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Posts posted by clw

  1. A baby! lol I wish, my bones feel like 96 instead of 36 as for the 70's sadly no, was far too little to remember so I was more an 80's child

    hey,how do you get a graphic on your siggy..I cannot get it to work

    Mine started hurting after I had babies

    A baby! lol I wish, my bones feel like 96 instead of 36 as for the 70's sadly no, was far too little to remember so I was more an 80's child

  2. OMG,and I am having a weak moment,how can I make my dream come true!!


    That butt is begging to be pinched and squeezed and smacked


    That butt is begging to be pinched and squeezed and smacked

  3. I would have to get a very low heal

    As much as I would to wear a pair of heeled boots, I can't (due to RA). I have to stick to flat shoes :(. I think if my Rheumatologist was to
    see me in a fab pair of kick ass heeled red boots, he'll go nuts at me

  4. I am starting to wonder if I will ever beable to wer a reg shoe again,I love black and wear it a lot so may get something like that,we have a western store that has tons,I am not sure if I should get high,mid or low boots,I think they would look neat with shorts and capris too

    I love boots. They can do wonders for your legs in spite of covering them up lol. They also just make an outift sometimes. I really like black and red boots, brown depending on the shade. It really kinda depends on the outfit and the message you're trying to send :) Good luck on your recovery

  5. I had foot surgery so have to wait but really thinking of getting boots,just have to figure out what kind and color

    I love those red boots she wore. Of course I'm a boot girl so I often enjoy their footwear.

  6. He looks like his old self when laughing,I think if he shaved we would see that sexy chin dimple

    Just in case yer missed 'em in the other thread, here's some more pics of Robert and his current lady love. :D

    [some photos from the second Patty Griffin show of April 15th in Austin. This time for KGSR]





  7. Yep,honeydrip,we can just dream

    Robert is a smart, mature guy who is obviously comfortable with himself. Most rock stars his age are still trying to turn back the clock and date women in their 20's, who just end up just taking all of their money. He obviously loves Patty for who she, and she him, which is awesome! Do I still wish I could go back in time a decade and get him in the sack? Sure. But that is never going to happen, unfortunately...LOL

  8. I want to get some boots!!

    i think Robert is looking better these days than he did about maybe 5 years ago . i love how he puts on the boots with any type of clothes he is wearing.

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