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Posts posted by clw

  1. oh wow,how lucky were yyou and what a awesome pic

    This one reminds me of what Robert Plant and Jimmy Page were wearing the time I stood a few feet from the stage in San Diego, May 28, 1973.

    Along with a whole bunch of other people who were total strangers, I sat in the parking lot for 3 hours in the hot sun that morning waiting for the doors to open to the sports arena.

    He sang

    during that concert.
  2. oh Zephead,dont like seeing him with that girl!!!


    Lucky day for those able to get in to see KUTX Austin’s Studio 1A 1:00 program today.

    In addition to hearing five songs off of Patty’s new album, there was a special guest who came out to help with the new single “Ohio”.

  3. I am sure they would stay with the flow of the average prices,I went to AC/DC and they were about 130 in US dollars

    If Zeppelin were to tour today, do you think they'd try to keep prices down or inflate them to insane amounts ala the Stones?

  4. so beautiful

    Thanks for these Geezer and P_P. I love that his kimono has a pattern of cherries on it. Asleep in his favorite Elvis t-shirt,. and look at his glorious hair.

    P_P, who is that guy with him?

  5. who is this guy

    From the robnpatty Tumblr!


    Robert in LAX yesterday returning home.

    Speaking of returning home, if you follow this link you can check out another of the songs he sings with Patty on her new album, American Kid. This one is titled Highway Song and the harmonies are absolutely gorgeous.


    Click on 4/09 11 pm and the song starts at the 55:26 mark.

    “And I will wait on your return…”

  6. don't want to listen to patty! I figured he would go to England

    From the robnpatty Tumblr!


    Robert in LAX yesterday returning home.

    Speaking of returning home, if you follow this link you can check out another of the songs he sings with Patty on her new album, American Kid. This one is titled Highway Song and the harmonies are absolutely gorgeous.


    Click on 4/09 11 pm and the song starts at the 55:26 mark.

    “And I will wait on your return…”

  7. I know,I am also obsessed

    Thats one of my fav clips, in fact it's in my favourite "file" on my youtube account but don't ask me how many Robert Plant/Led Zep stuff I have on it as I've lost count.

  8. oh dear Lord,I would rip his clothes off if I were her

    I know this is a picture thread, but I'm sure you gals wouldn't mind this lil piece..oh god I'm melting away, he's adorable!!

  9. I guess all we can do is dream,look how gorgeous he is sleeping

    aww the poor baby must be sooooo tired..look at him, how innocent^^ these 3 pairs of eyes have seen more than all of us together..

    I dreamed of Robert the other night..oh my, that was wonderful!! He was performing on stage with an acoustic guitar (duh??) and he came down to me and whispered "Are you having a good time?". I said that I was loving it and he wandered off back to the stage..

    then I was rudely awoken by my bleedin alarm clock..I've never hated that thing so much as that morning^^

    aww the poor baby must be sooooo tired..look at him, how innocent^^ these 3 pairs of eyes have seen more than all of us together..

    I dreamed of Robert the other night..oh my, that was wonderful!! He was performing on stage with an acoustic guitar (duh??) and he came down to me and whispered "Are you having a good time?". I said that I was loving it and he wandered off back to the stage..

    then I was rudely awoken by my bleedin alarm clock..I've never hated that thing so much as that morning^^

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