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Moddey Dhoo

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Posts posted by Moddey Dhoo

  1. 49 minutes ago, JTM said:

    It's only bricks and mortar, the remains of what was just an ugly looking bungalow anyway. If  there was no Crowley or Page connection nobody would give a fuck. The name Boleskine House conjures up the idea of some kind of impressive mansion, which it most certainly was not.

    OK, fair enough.

    Maybe I am the only one upset that it burnt down. I guess I am weird.

  2. 1 hour ago, FavouriteTipple said:

    Can anyone who saw the video and knows about construction and house damage give their opinion on the feasibility of restoration? Looks like a total loss to these layman's eyes.


    I have some experience in house restoration as a investor, and from what I see in your video I would say the house will be raised (tore down). Very sad!

  3. 29 minutes ago, JTM said:

    Page wasn't cheap, he only owned Boleskine for a short period of time and as a guy in his twenties all he would have cared about is where he was going to plug in his HiFi and his Guitar amp, I doubt a rewire would have been considered at the time.


    Yep, I agree, and I think I had read that Page only spent a TOTAL of 6 weeks at Boleskine.

  4. I'll post any decent pix of the house if and when I get them.


    Thank you.

    I had hoped to visit Boleskine someday, but I guess that dream is over.

  5. Writing as someone who lives up the road from Boleskine House, word on the street - and bear in mind this is a rural area so news travels fast without getting too distorted.

    Can you post recent pictures if you live just up the road? Can you please post updates, such as if they bulldoze the remainder of the house? Please keep us informed since you have an insider view, I would be interested to know. Thanks.

  6. As a musician I was a little shocked to hear the similarities in Page's Outrider song "Wasting My Time" and Billy Squire's "Everybody Wants You".

    Billy Squire 'Everybody Wants You' - 1982

    Jimmy Page 'Wasting My Time' - 1988

    The similarities are too close to be a coincidence IMHO.

  7. :D

    bonzo didnt use a double pedal because they were not invented back then ,he did have two bass drums for two gigs,then john paul jones hid one of them because he said it made bonzos playing unconprehensible !! as only jpj could say.

    Hopefully someone out there has heard the same tthing I heard. I am a guitarist not a drummer, but I have never heard anything like this before. It is on the LZ DVD, disc #2, select interviews and promos, then select promos. The'fillersong' here is The Song Remains the Same. Bonzo is incredible on this! I have never heard him play this fast before! No overdubbing has been done on this version. 

    Two questions for you drummers, could this be double bass drums? The footage is to grainy to tell? 

    Second question, when and where was this concert and is there a soundboard recording of it?

    Thanks, I have always been intrigued by just this very small snippit of perfection, it's a shame it wasn't of better quality so as to be used in the DVD in its entirety.?

  8. Sorry, I can't get the 'quote' option to work again, but this is a question for those of you who have visited Boleskine.

    I was planning a visit to the area, so I was using Google Earth and taking a good look around.

    When I scrolled up the mountain behind Boleskine, just to the South, I see a giant hole on the top of the mountain.

    Has anyone hiked the area I am talking about? Anyone have pictures? What the heck is this??

    Here are the coordinates. 57 Degrees 15' 37.47" N , 4 degrees 28' 37.93" W.

    Thanks to all in advance...

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