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Posts posted by TheGreatOne

  1. 1 hour ago, Strider said:

    Judas Priest was the band that played directly before Led Zeppelin at those Oakland shows, right? Do you remember the length of time between Judas Priest ending their set and Led Zeppelin coming on stage?

    The primary reason for Led Zeppelin's delay, of course, was the band and Bill Graham haggling over the legal ramifications of the beatdown Peter Grant, John Bindon, and Bonzo had delivered to one of Graham's employees. There was a real threat of arrests and jail, etc. It was ugly and probably would have got uglier if Led Zeppelin refused to play.

    I am so fortunate my memories of the 1977 tour aren't stained by such darkness.

    There was some kind of money issue too from what I remember.  Peter Grant wanted 25k up front before they played.  Not sure which night it was, but when Plant introduces No Quarter, he thanks Bill Graham.  Not sure if that was a subliminal jab - Quarter = 25

  2. I saw this band called Brutal Truth and said the F--ing suck and the singer saw me and almost everyone turned around, then the singer started threatening me and almost jumped the stage..hahah     Another time I saw the Def-Tones and was telling my friend how bad they sucked during their performance and guess a fan next to me got  super offended and wanted to kick my ass.

    Not sure about early years, but can't see anyone booing Zeppelin and not getting their ass kicked.  There were riots just to get tickets.

  3. I can't really think of anything major but more will come to mind

    1 - I kinda hate all photos of Jimmy wearing sunglasses in '77.  Some are really cool but others just too kinda creepy and depressing in his drug daze and thin body posture.

    2 - Not sure about '75 and have to see but some '77 shows Robert is little too giddy and has an annoying laugh, but seems little fake or too many times he says like a HaHa short and quick.  Not sure if he was tweaking on pills but seems it a bit.  At end of few comments he do that quick laugh.

    I agree about White Summer and out of place and others have mentioned Rain Song being out of place in the 1980 shows.   Not enough videos, - God today with Cellphones would be epic to see some of the Hotel shenanigans going on.



  4. John Davis seems like a real schmuck.   Why on God's green earth would they butcher the whole Paris show track list ?   I personally would never spend money where the track list ended up in the blender and the listing is not even correct order

    Typical logic is if it ain't broke don't fix it, but they seem to have made things fucking worst by being lazy.  This is pure BS.  If Empress Valley can release 1 song on a CD, why is Jimmy and Davis lazy to not do the proper disc order.  Big friggin deal if only 2 songs are on 1 CD or what have you.  

    I find this very insulting and slap in the face.  Their laziness and excuse is like last time, but fuck me in the goat ass If I'm going to cough up $200 for a botched up job

  5. 2 minutes ago, JTM said:

    Maybe that's because "I Got a Line on You" is from their 1969 LP "The Family That Plays Together Stays Together"  Take a listen it's a great album. 

    There is also a "Spirit" original line up reunion album from the mid 1980's the name of which escapes me at the moment that has re-recorded versions of  their more well known  songs.

    Yea your right, some reason Youtube said official video and 1984 and not same song or much different

  6. 2 hours ago, Walter said:

    Here we go everyone - closing arguments starting at the bottom of the hour.  How long will the jury deliberate?

    Apparently "Randy California"'s sister is blaring Spirit songs off her phone in the hallway of the courthouse....  Probably the last time most people there will ever hear a Spirit song. 

    What kind of friggin looser plays a Spirit song on their phone.   Wish I was there in person to tell her off and how much the song sucks

  7. oh yea totally, there would never be an obituary that says cause of death or anything, but I was talking about the news itself before any posted Obituary or Funeral news if any was posted.

    The official California Death Index may not list the cause of death either due to privacy and HIPAA laws, but it will certainly list the name in the Index list.

    I also have connections ya know.  Im not going to mention specifics and towns, but my cousin has been an LA Cop for almost 40 years in LA County.  I wont mention the towns but it covers the whole area.

    California Death Index, 1940-1997

    Deaths between 1988 - 1992, these are the only possible names assuming the Millard was born prior to 1948 and some of other births are mid/early 1930's and 1908 era


    David Wayne Millard - Born 13 Sep 1948 // Death 05 Oct 1990

    Eric Jerald Millard - Born 19 Sep 1963 // Death 18 Feb 1989


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