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Posts posted by ForEvermore

  1. On 1/7/2018 at 12:33 AM, Walter said:


    Wow...that is literally a blast from the past. Stay alert, Washington State (and everyplace east of there - some of the the ash from the eruption in the 80s made it all the way to PA - yes, really...)

  2. 12 hours ago, rm2551 said:



    0 degrees is what water freezes at.

    100 degrees is what water boils at.

    Makes SO much more sense and given the above, how can it not be easier?


    Yes - I used both Centigrade and Celsius labels in my description above. (It is spelled with an "s", by the way: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Celsius )


    4 hours ago, Freeyyaa said:

    I cannot substract and multiply. So I want metric system and Centigrades to be used.

    You can't always get what you want. :) 


    4 hours ago, chillumpuffer said:


    Multiply  c by 2, add 30 and subtract 1

    So 16c x 2 = 32 + 30 - 1 = 61f

    Yes, this is the quick cheat I use to bounce between the two as well - it's a decent approximation for temperatures that commonly occur (although as the temperature goes higher, it becomes more inaccurate).

    Also, you do realize that multiplying by 2 and adding 29 would be a more concise version of your formula, don't you? ;)


  3. 9 hours ago, BledZabbath said:

    I’m sorry but I don’t understand centigrade and don’t care to understand it or the metric system or any other foreign system.


    Degrees Fahrenheit to Degrees Centigrade/Celsius:  temperature Fahrenheit, subtract 32; take ensuing total and multiply it by 5/9

    e.g., 212 F (boiling point for water) : 212 - 32 = 180; 180 * 5/9 = 100 Centigrade/Celsius


    Degrees Centigrade/Celsius to Degrees Fahrenheit:  temperature Centigrade/Celsius, multiply by 9/5; take ensuing total and add 32

    e.g., 100 C : 100 * 9/5 = 180; 180 + 32 = 212 Fahrenheit


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