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Posts posted by Night_flight3030

  1. I thought the Latter years where not that bad considering what was out in 1976 and 77' 

    Disco was huge and unforgiving coke-heads made it even weirder. Punk Rock was just coming alive and it was a slap in the face to Zeppelin over indulging in long winded solos at times, but then their was some amazing 1977 shows like Texas, LA Forum, few of the NYC 77' shows, Cleveland in 77' was pretty tight, I think best version of Kashmir was done at that show 4-27-77. Led Zeppelin by 1977 became more of a spectacle   then it was a rock and roll concert. Now look at what we have to see......Yeah not much right, I saw the GNR tour and laughed at how cheese it was watching this overweight blubber ball try to re-live his glory days as a lead singer. Yeah he has a good voice and isn't a dick head anymore, but I would cut my arm off to see Led Zeppelin live in 1977, THE excitement alone would be worth the price of admission. 

  2. Lz1. I can’t quit you baby. 

    Lz2. Living loving...

    lz3. Hats off to Roy Harper 

    lz4 zoso. None that album is a masterpiece 

    lz Houses of the Holy. The Crunge, Dyer maker 

     Physical graffiti , Wonton song, boogie with stu, 

    presence. Royal  Orleans, tea for one 

    in through the Outdoor. Fool in the rain, all my love, Hot dog, 

    having read a lot off this thread before I decided to post anything I noticed a lot of people kinda trash Zeppelin latter albums, maybe not trash but point out the lack of quality in those latter albums, some might forget that Zeppelin never played songs like Royal Orleans or Hots on for nowhere live, they might of changed the structure for live shows. I would have loved to hear what they could have done with Carouselambra live? The rough mix that came out couple years ago gives us a hint what would’ve been, the toned down keyboards with more upfront Bonzo and Page jam. Hell yeah !

  3. Well I just listen to N. Q. 

    Im not one to be all technical about  frequency modulation does pitch in reverb etc..etc.. but as a longtime fan of Led Zeppelin that upgrade or remastered recording sounded awesome! Keep up the great work! 

    1969-73’ are my favorite live Zeppelin. 

  4. 4 hours ago, Blaize86 said:

    It would be quite difficult to do a quality information based Doc on the band since there is very little if no stage or off stage footage existing. What makes a music documentary so appealing is the hard to find footage...ala The Eagles ...The Beatles....Queen..

    Whether all remaining members give interviews or not, without great hard to find backstage or off stage home or convert  footage ...most people will be bored. Remember, they were worlds biggest underground band. Let’s keep it that way. 

    Led Zeppelin is a force that has to be shared, it’s like a positive feeling that you feel when a summer rain washes away the heat and grime. Those lucky enough to witness their concerts good or bad saw something that will never be replicated, because of the magic the light and shadow gave those in attendance something they will never forget, hence this forum is a prime example of that. I watched a CNN documentary on the 1970s in America, I was excited to see what they would say about Led Zeppelin; all that was mentioned was quote “the band that knocked off the Beatles”, then it just shows a clip of the band on their 707 jetliner, and the commentary about 1970s rock groups overindulgence in a fantasy lifestyle...wtf? Nothing about their music, or why they became the Biggest Rock and Roll band ever to walk the Earth. So in short I really hope this documentary explains why Zeppelin is the best period.

  5. Well I liked the version of “In the evening” on the DVD officially released better than the one where Jimmy has a cigarette in his mouth while playing. (Hope that helps) I thought ALS on the DVD was awesome too. Would like to see what you do with Sick again,  nobody’s fault but mine, trampled underfoot Kashmir and the rain song if they did that one...not sure?

  6. On 7/3/2019 at 6:55 AM, Stryder1978 said:

    Agree....the Cal Jam performance of "Burn" is one of the greatest rock moments of all time (IMHO).  And I'd take Deep Purple Mark III over any prog band any day!

    Deep Purple is a fantastic band, so was Richie Blackmore 🌈 risings Album. 

    You caught my attention when you said best progrock band. Deep purple I don’t see them as pro rock as such as I see Yes, or ElP. John lord is an amazing keyboard player but the guys from Peter Gabriel Genesis blow Deep purple out of the water when it comes to art rock prog rock... Supers Ready, Lamb lies Down on Broadway, Selling England by the pound, Fox Trot. 

    Peter Gabriel 

    Phil Collins drummer

    Mike Rutherford

    Steve Hackett

    Tony Banks 

    the forgotten band that shaped music beyond anything I’ve heard.

    13 floor elevators RIP.

  7. I truly think he is done playing guitar in a band. He tried with Outrider that was decent but it never grew into anything interesting. The firm was a good little flame but then that burned itself out. Robert Plant has moved away from hard rock so a Zeppelin was never in the picture. 

    I stopped listening to Jimmy page remarks about getting an album out or being seen on stage. I think we may get something new when he has moved on to the next world. 

  8. 3 hours ago, gibsonfan159 said:

    I've been thinking about trying this. Taking a soundboard and creating four different frequency settings that isolate each member as much as possible (like you said, there will still be overlapping) and remixing them separately. At the very least this would allow slightly more control over the instrument balance compared to just adjusting the EQ.

    Your stereo must be old or you have a mixing board  frequency modulator because nowadays stereos already have built-in equalizers for instance my Denon has many sound options I don’t like I prefer the equalizer with the little knobs I could adjust but now they stereos don’t give you the option.

  9. 58 minutes ago, rm2551 said:

    I like a few of them, but some are meh.... 

    STB does pretty good reactions. He has decided to go through the entire Zep catalogue which I find interesting.

    No Life Shaq is a funny fucker. Good reactions to Zep.

    It is fun to me to see young people who have not heard most of the great '70's rock-n-roll giving it a go and being completely blown away by the fact that the musicality is so front and centre - and so good. Some of them seem genuinely amazed/delighted at songs that have a minute or more intro piece before the song and singer gets underway (so to speak). Zep and other bands like Pink Floyd, Ted Nugent, even artists like Boz Scaggs reactions are like they are discovering a divine music they can't believe exists and can't believe they have not heard before or missed out on. To me it says a LOT about how the current generation are missing - and long for - a more substantive music experience. Not the disposable pop rubbish that seems to make up the mainstream offerings now. Who will remember the current crop of artists in 10 or 20 years from now? Most (like +95%) will be long forgotten.

    You touch on an interesting subject. As much as we think Led Zeppelin was a bad ass band with a killer catalogue majority of Zeppelin fans during their existence were white males and females. Though it’s well documented how diverse their music was from beginning to end, (ie) Black mountain side, with the Indian styled tabla beats. (Personally love this song). 

    Though majority of their concerts where played in America and never having toured Latin America Led Zeppelin up to 1971 were a “word of mouth band” so a lot of people of color weren’t introduced to Zeppelin when they had some amazing album coming out (ie) Marvin Gays 1971 (what going on) plus Stevie Wonder 1972 (Talking Book. ) 

    with the internet we are witnessing another resurrection of classics rock bands that usually were not noticed by POC, example would be how a new group of MTV watchers of the 1980s discovered Led Zeppelin by them playing : The  song remains the same movie. ( I fall in that group) well now the Youtube generation are discovering the Mighty power of Led Zeppelin. 

  10. On 1/23/2014 at 8:24 PM, Sue Dounim said:

    it's weird, I love listening to the noise solos

    I do too. I have a decent version of the Destroyer on CD, maybe cdr who knows. When I sat down and played it I was like “wow that must’ve been loud as hell in a stadium?” Then reading in this form that a lot of people trash Zeppelin 77’ tour, it made me wonder why? Zeppelin wasn’t touring for a cash grab, their was such a HUGE demand for the band to play live. It was understood that a Zeppelin concert was like going to a religious experience with 60, thousand other followers. Yeah maybe drugs were part of it but that was just for enhancing the experience of the show, (moderation) I could careless what those guys did backstage, from what I’ve read, researched, those lucky enough to attend a Zeppelin concert back in 1977 had a damn good time. As for the noises from Jimmy guitar, that would be fun to do in my garage..lol

  11. On 6/27/2019 at 7:32 PM, reids said:

    Not necessarily. It just means it is likely to be a copy of a bootleg (recorded on a cd-r). I personally wouldn’t pay $33 for a copy of a bootleg when there are tons of free bootlegs online. If it was a silver disc from the early 1990s or a rare show, it’d be worth owning. 


    Yeah I see your point, but those PSP sharing file sights scare me. The sound quality is great and I’m definitely happy with it. The 7.99 alternative take was a great find, the WTLB is pretty cool with different lyrics, kinda too bad that they didn’t remastered that version. The instrumental version of Kashmir is a one time listen through, John Henry Bonham is a rhythmic masterpiece. Would like to know if there is any 1971 or 71’ sound boards I should be looking for? I want hard copy. 

  12. I found a record shop in a nearby town where I live and found these. The Zeppelin studio outtakes only cost 7.99$ and the Four disc Earl Court cost $34.00.

    excellent no Quarter and Song Remains the same on the Earl show. Have you guys seen these? 

    * the version of Wanton song is wrong, it’s a alternative  of custard pie. 

    * the FM broadcast I believe is a 1975 show.





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