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Posts posted by Decker70

  1. Hi everyone, I am a massive Led Zeppelin fan ever since I heard Black Dog for the first time on the mothership album when I was young. As I got older I was jaded to Zeppelin until I started registering to music I loved growing up as a junior in high school. I listened to Led Zeppelin 1 and it blew me away then I was randomly taken to a streaming website where I watched Zeppelins legendary performance at Royal Albert Hall in 1970 and I haven't turned back since. Over the years I have been absolutely obsessed with this performance. Footage, photos, bootleg audio, you name it and I have done it pertaining this performance. So when the 50th anniversary came this year, I got extremely excited. January 9th came and nothing was announced. I was genuinely shocked and it seemed that a lot of people we're surprised there was no news about FINALLY releasing this as an offical album and maybe remastering the footage/releasing it in hd. Well since this is my favorite performance ever I finally want Led Zeppelin to acknowledge that we want that to be released. So I started a change.org petition so we can have our voices heard that we want this to happen. Thank you for taking the time to read this, it truly means a lot to me.



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