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Posts posted by JMH

  1. On 2/15/2016 at 6:22 PM, Balthazor said:


    Led Zeppelin: When Giants Walked The Earth by Mick Wall - biography, probably more accurate than Hammer of the Gods.


    What bloody eludes me in this one is that it uses a lot of energy in explaining the ins and outs of Page's magick and Crowley things but not a fuckin' word about Plant's vocal decline in the fall/ winter 72/73 prior to their biggest tour so far. How were they dealing with it individually, as a band, from the management side etc.



  2. Going throught the timeline. Shows where a song between OTT and solo were played are (glimpsing through quickly):

    June 10th: Heartbreaker

    June 13th: Heartbreaker

    June 21st: Heartbreaker

    June 22nd: OTHAFA


    All of these seem to be high on Bonzo-fan's list and I guess generally too.

  3. This is a thread I come back to on a regular basis. One note regarding 
    June 21st and 22nd I think has not been highlighted here. They played a proper song in between OTT and cat strangle. That makes a significant dynamic difference to the whole show and sets these two apart from most (if not all) 77 shows.


    Did they do that on any other occasion?

  4. 21 minutes ago, MortSahlFan said:

    Thanks for posting. I definitely heard a lot of compliments. Specifically heard, "Awesome"... I can't remember the last time I saw a drum solo at a concert, though.

    A bit of OT is OK after OTT. Danny Carey threw in a short one at least in the latest tout from TOOL. Could have been a lot longer for me at least.

  5. Inspired by the fact that NQ75 had so many January 73 Dazed versions on his list I aim to listen to Southampton 73 until the end of Dazed at least. SIBLY on now.


    I’ve had mixed feelings about this gig. Plant still learning his new range and Page not necessarily his tightest but the vibes at the end of the show are great and Bonzo’s been good so far during this listen.

    Gonna pay attention during TSRTS and Dazed, naturally.

    edit: Dazed wasn’t bad but actually OK. However, as I remembered the not yet ready San Francisco interlude is a bit like a fart in your face during you know what. Actually distracts from the whole thing if you are  not careful (talking about listening here)

    Bonzo still aces it.


  6. Nice, give some feedback then if it is your cuppa or not.


    edit: Pass It On from the evening show blows me away with its groove too. Much better than what they eventually canned in the studio (Straight Ahead)

  7. ^

    On the date! Also reminded me of 18.9. Anyway, this MSG concert has been growing on me for a long time... First when I heard it I was like damn Plant is off but part of that was that I expected him to do certain things and hit certain notes and he was singing around his issues avoiding stuff. Now, if you just take it as it is it ain't too bad a rock and roll vocal delivery and the playing is good as is this old bootleg. I think I haven't heard the new matrix versions but how much is there to gain?

    Funny cover... from EC I guess.


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