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Posts posted by JMH

  1. STH from 23rd... yeah, not for Page's soloing but for the sledgehammer from Bonham (& Jones). Page not inventing anything miracular here but just playing OK, which is enouhg as the star of the show is one apparently very coked up drummer.


    This version really hits you in the face.

  2. As it happened was listening this today until OTHAFA and then Kashmir + Heartbreaker. If you beeeend it a lot it is like pre 75 Zep appeared on the stage and Bonzo had his balls in a vice.


    edit: so correct about Heartbreaker

  3. Gave the nth go at Odensee and now listening to 19th September 1970

    The Danish show has the setlist, Plant's voice and all but I don't know if it is the recording or the show but it does not feel the same way explosive from the go as this one (and it gets galactic in the end). This is the one that gets listened and the Odensee one a visit every once in a while...

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