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Posts posted by lzfan715

  1. We will be with my dad on Easter morning, so that means I don't have to taken to church. (I'm sercretly celebrating that I'm not with my mom.) The night before my Nana will be making a big Easter dinner. Fresh ham with pineapple, veggies, dinner bread, and probably some kind pie made from scratch. And she got me this egg "tie dying" kit.

  2. Bong-Man's bunny looks SO EVIL!! It's freaking me out a bit. Let me contribute a little sweet bunny mojo into the mix, to restore the balance:



    Those rabbits are so cute! I almost kept a little bunny that I found once but we did have anything to keep it in.

    Anyway, I'm not much into the religious aspect of holidays. I'm more in for the commerical stuff. Dying eggs at Easter and such.

  3. My little one (who's been home sick with a head cold the last 2 days) just brought me a tiny bouquet of flowers from outside :D I think she is feeling better..yay! :)

    That is precious.

    As for me, I'm starting to feel almost flu free again.

  4. Virginia, do you watch the Secret Life regularly? I love that so, it's so dramatic but I love it anyway.

    And as for anyone discussing the Breakfst Club, which one do you relate to? I must say I mostly relate to Ally Sheedy.

  5. Well I went up to University of Illinois today with JETS (Junior Engineering and Technical Society). I went with my chem teacher and about 15 other kids. My chem teacher is like an uncle that you love to hang out with. Then I was with 2 other girls and this guy from my school and we got lost and had a great time on our own. Then we ate lunch at a gourmet pizza place, it was so good. After that we went to a few different exhibits then on the bus ride home we laughed for about 2 and a half hours straight. It was one of those days that make me think being in high school isn't half bad.

  6. 1973_Hyatt_House.jpg

    Anyone know who that woman is?


    Aww Maureen :D

    Answer to the question: IT's the Baroness Von Zeppelin I believe.

    And the other picture is one of my favourite pictures. It's so candid but so adorable.

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