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Posts posted by *I*LOVE*JIMMY!!

  1. I remember playing in the graveyards at night in Minnisota. I just moved there and the kids told me that the ghosts rise up at night from their graves. The first time I went I freaked and If memory serves me right I pee'd my pants. I really saw the ghosts!!!! NOT what it was was fireflies hovering above the graves trying to stay warm from the ground. At a distance it looks like it could be ghosts. Like everyone else I need proof.

  2. I'm from the Pacific NW and we have the legend of Bigfoot. I myself find it hard to believe in, nor do I believe in such bullshit. I mean after all these years and no one can prove of it's existence. Back in 1976 a bunch of us went packpacking in the Wallula's. It took us a good three day's to reach the top, miles of swichbacks, going over small glaciers, climbingup, sliding down. At the top is a beautiful meadow and a vision beyond words. The first night we were all gathered around the campfire, talking about our trek up the mountain. All of a sudden this awful odor passed by us. It was terrible. It smelled like roadkill, wet dog and something else. When it went away from us, we all forgot about it. In the middle of the night we all were awaken by the smell and a loud scream, very high pitch. By this time we were all awake and a little scared. Nothing more happened that night or the next day. On the third day we started making our way down. A couple of hours into the hike, the smell was back. This time it was stronger, much stronger. We kept going down the mountain and then the girl in front of me started to freak out. On the side of the path was a dead dear. It was just killed and not by a gun or knife. Half of it was missing. It was torn into pieces and thrown all over the place. Okay we're all scared! We start off again this time we picked up the pace. We were making pretty good time. Night was coming so we decide to make camp. We built a large fire and slept around it. We were awaken again by the load screaming. We all jumped up and looked around but nothing..except for the dear that we passed up the mountain. It was just on the out side of our camp. By this time we started packing up, it was still dark but morning was just around the corner. It took us only one and a half days to get down the mountain. We never ran into the scream, smell or dear again. But it is a memory I will never forget. More than likely some old mountain man farting in the wind and leaving his dinner laying around.

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