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Posts posted by nigelss

  1. 1 hour ago, reids said:

    Thanks for the rapid reply but I am still completely stumped on this. I visited the two links you give before posting my question here and as far as I can see they only mention a screening at one location. The text under the picture (in my previous post) says "mrjimmymovie... is coming to 13 cinemas across England on April 19th! Showtimes in link in bio...". Please can you or someone else give me a direct link I can click on to see all the locations where it is being screened in the UK? You would think "they" would want to make it easy for people to find out where it is on! Must be me being too damn old and refusing to engage with all this social media rubbish! Many thanks in advance (he said hopefully).


    Just realised that "the light" is a chain of cinemas. I only saw 'Addlestone' and did not spot the 'change cinemas' link. Also didn't spot the thing at the top I could click to see their other screens. The last time I went to the cinema was to see Celebration Day when it was first released! Cambridge might be a possibility... Thanks again.

  2. On 4/4/2024 at 7:46 AM, reids said:

    April 19 UK theatres 



    Having absolutely no joy whatsoever finding out where this will be screened on the 19th. I found the above on Instagram but I do not have an Instagram account. Yes, there are some of us left! Absolutely no idea what "Showtimes in link in bio" means. I cannot find a "bio". I do not know how Instagram works. HELP!


  3. According to IMDB this 4-part series dates back to 2008. There were some clips from the Seattle'77 video, allegedly copyright "Superhype Music Inc" from the titles. See here (latter part of post) for company filing details of "Super Hype Music Company Inc". Same one? The Seattle video quality was nothing to write home about. Dave "Tight But Loose" Lewis is one of the interviewees so perhaps he can cast some light on this production. Over to you Dave...


  4. Pink Floyd (1987) Ltd took similar action against "The owner and/or operator of pinkfloydbrand.com" on 6th June 2023. The visible bits on justia.com show that the case is very similar to the one launched against discjapan in that they both go on about counterfeit goods. The Floyd camp justified their injunction application against Discjapan because "An injunction serves the public interest because of the consumer confusion caused by counterfeit goods, and there is no countervailing harm to Defendant from an order directing them to stop infringement." The full 18 page complaint against pinkfloydbrand.com is available at archive.org. I would not be surprised if much of the language in that document is the same as in the discjapan document which is not available for free. It makes for an interesting read anyway.

    Some backup info:

    Pink Floyd (1987) Ltd vs discjapan at justia.com

    Pink Floyd (1987) Ltd vs pinkfloydbrand.com at justia.com

  5. I don't think the intention was to use any of the soundboard recordings. The original news item at the start of this thread says "This new set consists of all known audience recordings available for each of five nights."

    I did find some images of the sleeve notes for 929 and it lists the sources as:

    Live In The Fairy Tale 1st gen.

    Lighthouse Master 2021.

    Nine Two Nine longer source 2nd gen.

    Nine Two Nine shorter source master transfer.

    For some reason I cannot link to the pictures or twitter post but you can find it here. You might need to cut and paste the link text in to your browser.


    The above is based on finding a list of the titles used in the box set with 929 given as "The Barbarians And The Geisha". The shorter source master transfer is listed on the japanese notes but not on the english notes. It could well be that I am talking absolute rubbish here in which case please put me right and if possible let us know what it sounds like.


  6. P.S. to my above post - I watched Eckoes' original last night for the first time in a while. Hugely enjoyed it too. I got as far as the end of Dazed after which I had to shut down for the night. The vast bulk of it is 16:9 already. The are some cuts to 4:3, particularly during "Song Remains The Same" and "Rain Song" where a different video source is used.

  7. Just spotted that there is a new version out of the Eckoes' fan-edit "In For A Quick Garden" called "In For A Quick Garden 2022 New Edition" from GentleGiant/Eckoes according to Black Beauty. The new version's aspect ratio is 16:9 rather than the original's 4:3. Just guessing that the 4:3 image has been cropped which must mean image loss?  Does anyone know if Eckoes was involved with this new edition, or has GentleGiant just done his/her/its own edit of the Eckoes original? I would message Eckoes but seeing as that id was last active here in 2014 I suspect a reply would be unlikely!

    On another site (not a member of that one), in response to the question "what's the difference", gentle_giant posted "acpect (sic) ratio 16:9 in new, 4:3 in old, some video work made also, sound bitrate upscale".

  8. 11 hours ago, JohnOsbourne said:

    Unfortunately I'm skeptical that they have any more of the Osaka shows than they've already released.  Whether the rather strange tale of the Bloomington show affects any releases for the rest of the year, I don't know, I hope not.  To be honest, as soon as they release the 2nd Long Beach show, I'm good, I don't really need any more boards (although the 3-25 NQ would be nice).  I'm actually very pleasantly surprised by the new audience shows that have shown up (1st Manchester '72, 2nd Detroit '73), I'm looking more forward to future releases here.

    Ahhh! But we know for a fact that they have more of the Osaka 929 soundboard - they released the "Twist & Shout" section from "Whole Lotta Love" on that bonus Beatles tracks CD they put out in one of the 928 soundboard sets!

    Seems to me that by the time EVSD get around to putting out the rest of 929, there won't be anyone around to buy it. Methinks they are keeping it back for the 100th anniversary. Led Zeppelin? Who they?? 😁

  9. There is always the "In For A Quick Garden" (Eckoes (sic) Fan Edition) DVD if you can find it out there.

    From the DVD notes -


    The soundtrack is entirely made of the Kevin Shirley fantastic stereo mix.

    -4 new songs included: Celebration Day, Over The Hills and Far Away, The Ocean, and Misty Mountain Hop.
    -Added a few dialogues between songs using a combination of 8mm footage and the album sountrack.
    -Heartbreaker is included! Fully! This was made possible by using every backstage footage cut from the movie, and the 2007 CD, to create a brand new documentary/fantasy sequence,.
    -Black Dog is now complete, thanks to the alternate edit from LZ DVD 2003.

    -The concert plays with the songs in their original playing order, and the music plays without any interruption.
    -The credits are now at the end of the movie.
    -Since I've Been Loving You use an alternate edit made for the Led Zeppelin 2003 DVD for the sole reason of being much more in sync then it's original counterpart.
    -A random backstage shot inserted in Dazed and Confused is now replaced by real concert footage.
    -The Song Remains The Same and Rain Song are entirely re-edited to include more actual performance footage, and less of Robert Plant fantasy sequence.

    -Backstage dialogues are gone.
    -Documentary parts are also gone.
    -The robbery sequence is cut. Any allusions to it is gone.
    -The band "home movies" introduction is cut, as well as Peter Grant and Richard Cole fantasy sequence. The concert starts right away.



  10. Methinks there is a whole stack of baggage that goes with an official release.

    1. It could only happen with the consent of all members (or estate).

    2. All members (or estate) would have to sign off on the material to be released.

    3. Copyright and royalty issues, e.g. Beatles material in the Osaka shows. Unlikely to survive the cut! (just my opinion).

    4. Manufacturing (in multiple formats?), marketing, distribution, promotional costs and time.

    5. How large is the projected market? Will it make the costs back?

    If you go for a streaming model (the rumoured "Led Zeppelin Experience") you still get hit by 1 - 3 above.

    The alternative is to unoffically let material surface in which case the issue is how to get it out. If the intention is to get stuff out unofficially for the hardcore fans, I reckon an official leaker would be able to make arrangements for it to be made available via the usual on-line boot distribution channels. The fact that EVSD is sitting on (at least parts of) the Whole Lotta Love soundboard from 929, as evidenced by Twist & Shout being included on the recent 928 release bonus cd, clearly shows that EVSD intends to squeeze as much as possible out of those able to pay the price (Yes, I appreciate that the material eventually surfaces on-line, and in more reasonably priced physical form). There again, is it just pure greed on EVSD's part, or to recover the cost paid for the tape?  I would have thought it unlikely an official leaker would sell to a bootleg label.

    So... seems to me that (a) an official leaker could get stuff out for the fans without involving bootleg labels. (b) EVSD coughs up serious amounts of dosh to get hold of tapes from wherever and screws the living daylights out of those able to pay to recover the upfront cost and maximise profit.

  11. I have also been pondering over the previously escaped snippet of the 928 soundboard, Black Dog, which is in stereo. Why would the soundboard for 928 be in stereo and the soundboard for 929 be in mono given that they are consecutive nights using the same gear? What comes next is some amateur kite-flying so feel free to bring it crashing to earth. 😀 I *think* it was the Black Beauty BBS (in japanese translated into 'orrible english) where I read some time ago that back in the day the japanese record company had the idea of releasing a single (or singles) from the recorded Zeppelin concerts. Four songs were envisaged as possibilities, one being Black Dog. Could it be that the already out Black Dog is actually a mix from the multitrack recording and not from the soundboard?

    I am really sorry I cannot give a reference to the actual post I read but it would have been over a year ago, probably when all the talk was about the 929 soundboard. I thought it might be worth mentioning in this case because it might jog some memories somewhere.

  12. "special bonus disc featuring various rare live performances of Beatles songs from few different locations"

    Thinks... if that includes "Twist & Shout" from 929 and is from the unreleased soundboard portion (if it exists) then at least we know there is more to come. If not we continue to know what we don't know, or not know what we would like to!!

    It's late. Nurse, the screens...

  13. I saw a news item posted elsewhere which said cd1 runs 52 minutes. If true, this presumably means Dazed & Confused is not complete. I just checked the track lengths on "Arigatou Osaka" and got Immigrant Song (4:43), Heartbreaker (9:21), SIBLY (8:42), and D&C (32:10 for the complete track and a little of the subsequent chat) which comes to 54 mins 56 secs or thereabouts. This does not include any time for the introduction track preceding Immigrant Song which is included in EVSD's 52 minutes. Methinks those Pennies From Heaven will be staying up there a while longer.

  14. Just some idle speculation! ☺️ I want to know why no "Stairway..." on the 2 cds. There is plenty of room for it timewise. It cannot be because it has already been put out. If that was the case, "Immigrant Song" would be missing too. Perhaps EVSD haven't managed to shift their stock of "Stairway..." and so will not include it on a multi-cd production until they have all gone. Is it just down to greed/ £££s on EVSD's part? Could it be that Page is going to authorise something (official HTEWW) at some point which includes the missing tracks so EVSD have been told to leave them off?

    Whatever, I do hope the full recording materialises before I start my next life. For the time being there is always  Winston's excellent "Arigatou Osaka" and Wendy's last 6CD release (although they didn't exactly try to iron out the pitch changes between sources did they?). Is there such a thing as a revamped Wendy with Winston patches?

  15. The banding is known as "microphony". To quote from Wikipedia - "The term may also be used to describe a video artifact common in older video cameras. Before the introduction of solid-state CCD sensors to produce the image, vacuum tubes performed this task. Loud noises in the studio, such as rock bands or gunshot effects would cause the tubes to vibrate, producing a characteristic undesirable horizontal banding in the image."

    I remember reading an article about the official Live Aid DVD compilation which mentioned how microphony caused the same kind of horizontal banding from time to time.

  16. Back in 2012 I started a thread about the morality of downloading bootlegs -

    Got some interesting responses at the time.  I have a problem with people profiteering from the tapes stolen from Page's house because they were his personal property. In a way, downloading any bootleg is "immoral" because the royalties ain't getting paid, however JP gave an implied ok to fans trading recordings in his quote related to a court case some years ago. Runs for cover...

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