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Hi all,

I have been a Zeppelin fan since 1978 ..sadly never got to see Zep live,I was going to go to Knebworth with a school friend,but he had to go on holiday with his family and could make it.My mom wouldnt let me go alone,she said I could see them when they toured the UK again...but they never did.Seen Percy on nearly all of his solo tours in the UK up till 9 nine years ago when I moved to the States.

My claim to fame is that I once dated one of Carmen Jane's friends and I could have gone to watch Percy play footy for his local pub..but I chickened out and never met him.Tho I did pass him on the stairs at a Honydrippers gig at the Golden Eagle in Birmingham in the early 80's.

My avatar is a photo of me when I was 20 years old...a very long time ago...lol

Looking forward to meeting you all and hearing all your great Zep storys.

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