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Two of Jimmy Page's outfits: HELP

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Hello, all.

I've been trying to find out the information on my two favorite Page outfits and I can't gather up all that much. I am hoping that you nice people might be able to help me.

The first outfit is the shirt he wore on January 25th, 1975, in Indianapolis. (Photo below)

I've gathered that it's a western style shirt and that's about it. Does anyone have anymore information or ideas/links to places where I could get one?

The second outfit is the entire outfit. Mostly the coat he is wearing over everything. It's the getup he wore during the Danish T.V. performance on March 17th,1969. It can be seen here:


I'm mainly focused on what appears to be a short sleeved overcoat. However, I don't believe it's that simple. His pants are my second focus. They look to be crushed velvet and upon closed inspection, so does the coat.

If anyone could give some help or input on these outfits, you don't know how appreciated it would be.


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Okay. The photo did not post the first time. Sorry about that. Here it is attached.


..this one from my knowledge possibly is from Nudie, They Taylor...Zeppelin has connection to this Taylor in L.A. since 1969 through Miss Pamela, Rock Star Courtsean, author of I'm with the Band...

I found the following links Info related to Nudie, The Taylor:

you can plan/order something from here perhaps?:


Official Site of Nudie,They Taylor, vintage era...


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Hello, all.

I've been trying to find out the information on my two favorite Page outfits and I can't gather up all that much. I am hoping that you nice people might be able to help me.

The first outfit is the shirt he wore on January 25th, 1975, in Indianapolis. (Photo below)

I've gathered that it's a western style shirt and that's about it. Does anyone have anymore information or ideas/links to places where I could get one?

The second outfit is the entire outfit. Mostly the coat he is wearing over everything. It's the getup he wore during the Danish T.V. performance on March 17th,1969. It can be seen here:


I'm mainly focused on what appears to be a short sleeved overcoat. However, I don't believe it's that simple. His pants are my second focus. They look to be crushed velvet and upon closed inspection, so does the coat.

If anyone could give some help or input on these outfits, you don't know how appreciated it would be.


.....The Vintage Designer Paul Reeves is discussed here: and in addition Page also purchased clothing from a vintage shop of that era: Granny Takes a Trip - there is much you can search here in this Forum and widely elsewhere...


.... absolute Original Creations from Vintage Patterns:


...and there are many tailoring shops around that can be searched for on-line recreations as yo wish...


(I don't know any of these tailors)

...and on the same note, Jimmy also stiched his 1973 Kezar Suit in those quick 24 hour tailoring shops in Hong Kong...the roadside tailors will recreate ASAP while you shop if you are travelling somewhere to the East perhaps..

I hope this helps..


add detail:

....more resources..

Often Big Cities in U.S./Canada/World have ethnic fashion wear bulk fabric stores, ie. Indian Shops/Fabrics...they also have in-house readily available tailors who will stich for you, requested, quite ecnomically I might add...

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