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Looks fake to me. To be honest, I don't think it would be that good. Sorry folks, Dave Grohl just doesn't have the voice to sing the Led Zeppelin songs on tour. Have you heard them playing Rock And Roll and Ramble On? He sang poor at best. I don't even really think he has a good enough voice to record an album with the Page/Jones style. Put him on drums and now we're talking. Find a better and more appropriately styled singer or do mostly instrumentals. But not on vocals. There is a reason he didn't start his career as a singer. He's not terrible but he's not that good either.

Who said that Dave would sing the Zep Tunes..Did you read the story Lame A$$

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Did not read the whole thing. Obviously it would hardly be Led Zeppelin + Foo Fighters if it was just Page and Jones with Grohl playing drums and a completely new singer. And if they went on tour it's not like you would have two members of Zeppelin and play no Zeppelin tunes. I think Grohl has a better voice than most of the generic sounding rock singers today and I just have a ton of respect for him as a musician but I don't dig the idea of him singing for Page and Jones.

By the way, welcome to the board. And I hope you can be more civil towards people who see things differently than you in the future.

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