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Hi, does anyone know in which Zep bio (Giants or Hammer) and in which section or page number I can read about either Robert or Jimmy talking about Robert knowing "when to come in", before the 1/16 beat or something like that? It's a bit of timing that is used, sort of like passing notes. It's in one of those books, but where? TTT, Karma

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'Vague'?? ... its a very precise question, and if you had read the books you would know exactly what I'm talking about; and that it does not reference a song title but rather a very specific passage in either of the books. Thank you for your rather uninformed critique. :)

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I read "Hammer of the Gods" more than 20 years ago. I doubt anyone can remember to the precise page number what they read that long ago. Mick Wall's book "When Giants Walked the Earth" I have only read fitfully in parts.

Good luck with your quest and welcome to the Forum.

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