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Do you think jim might pull out the double neck?


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That starbucks looks good.........i dunno man...you wouldnt want to hear a "Song Remains The Same" or a "Stairway" from it?......."Achilles Last Stand" would be victorious if played on the 12 string. Would be crazy to see if he pulled out the double neck acoustic!!

what with being moosh? haven't watered the grass lately?

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sorry about that...ive been warned before about my "english"........"Moosh" ill make the meaning clear for you.(-"Mu-sh"-....the "mu" interprets the sound a cow makes, you know moooooooo and the "sh" is sent out like a "Shhhh, be quiet" type.........therefore moosh is like all down and out and bitter about the situation.......no pun intended

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i was taking a swing at the drought situation.....trying to hard obviously, to be a bit funny

Hence why I asked if that was literal or if that's some kind of crazy slang term for something else. No, we haven't watered the grass recently, we're under severe drought restrictions right now.

And I don't smoke. I live with two smokers, and that's bad enough. I can't imagine picking up such a filthy habit myself.

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