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Has anyone ever heard "Mean Mistreatin' Mama" by Elmore James? I just caught it on a blues compilation disc, and I thought it was cool to hear:

Can you remember baby, when I knocked upon your door

Can you remember baby, when I knocked upon your door

You had the nerve to tell me that you didn't want me no more.

It's funny how when you start listening to the older blues stuff, you hear those lyrics pop up all over the place. The lyrics "happy home" and "mistreat" seem to be in every blues song. I was also surprised, after I listened to B.B. King's "Rock Me Baby", that the line from the second BBC You Shook Me: "Roll me baby, just like a waaaaaagon wheel," actually came from that song.

I'm not sure how I got this off topic, but I just wanted to share my revelations of the week.

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