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Posts posted by PennyLane

  1. Not sure if members have used a Kindle Wireless Reader, but you can download free books from Amazon or pay $9.95 per download, wireless is free and light weight. Kindle Wireless Readers cost $359 and you can take a look at it on Amazon or google it. Worth the price since hard cover books are around $30.

  2. Thank you, PennyLane. Most of the smoke has cleared. It turns out that the fire came within eight miles of me.


    Source: ocregister.com

    Looks like the world has ended from your picture. You were very lucky that the fire hadn't spread. So much destruction - it is going a while for nature to take its course and rebuild. I just feel bad for all the homeowners who have lost everything. Material things can be replace but the pictures, memories cannot.

  3. I just started one of her Eve Duncan books today; got about 1/3 through while my son was at soccer practice and I was shivering in the car :) I'm really enjoying it and will probably get some more read tonight.

    Read all of her books, except the most current one.

  4. Saw Quantam of Solace. (sp?) It was pretty good. I didn't see Casino Royal all the way through so some of it I didn't understand. However, the action scenes were good.

    I heard Quantam of Solace is good, but first I need to see Casino Royal again. These two movies are interlink. Will see Quantam during the Thanksgiving holiday.

  5. Yes, I'm okay and my home is fine. All the air in the neighborhood has the smell of smoke though. It's been like that most of the afternoon.

    Thanks and glad that you are okay Eternal Light. Be careful of the smoke - hope you will wear a mask if needed. The smoke could cause problems with your respiratory system.

  6. Sounds cool. I saw him quite a few years ago at the Meyerson Symphony Center in Dallas. Dressed up crowd in the Arts district and all that junk. The concert tomorrow is at a casino in Oklahoma, so it may be a whole different vibe this time. We're supposed to be about 8 rows from the front, so I'll definitely be closer!

    PM me about the concert. Great seats - have a wonderful time!

  7. I'm very happy today because I'm going to a B.B. King concert tomorrow night. :)

    You will love the concert - B.B. King is fantastic. Saw him back in 1989 or 1990 at the Fox Theater in Detroit - a 4 hour Blues Concert w/other musicians.

  8. It was a dream outdoors on hilly terrain near a river at night and the indoor interior was sparse and light. You would get along well with Robert. Aries and Leo are an ideal pair. I have had my astrological planets mapped, yes.

    I'm not that lucky to meet anyone famous. From all the years that I have been traveling, never met anyone or seen anyone who was famous. Hilly terrain looks familar from my office window at home with water on my property. Yes, I would get along wtih Robert.

  9. I have some planets in Leo but none in Aries. It was a strange dream, partially indoors and partially outdoors.

    This is off subject but, "have you had your astrological planets mapped out from your birth?" When I was dating a Leo, we had it done. It was fun. Anyways, I was speaking about Robert being a Leo and I am an Aries. Dreams are interesting, one can always change the outcome.

  10. At the moment, the Robert Plant in my dreams is giving the real one a lot of competition. I think I'll go to bed early tonight.

    Maybe you should tell the "Real" Robert Plant that he is in competion with your dreams.....I wonder what he would say. Leos and Aries get along real well.

  11. Nice! But also a shame becasue I like 33 (Disorder), it's pretty cool.

    By the way, I did hear a live Train Kept a Rollin' last week, sounded like the 1980 tour of Europe...

    Do you have a link for the Train Kept a Rollin' - would like to hear it. Sirius changed the station to a 90's & Now in my area.

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