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Led Zep Girl

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Posts posted by Led Zep Girl

  1. It made me unhappy that so many people who wanted to go see "Celebration Day" couldn't. Either because it wasn't playing in their town or because their parents or older siblings or friends didn't care enough to help them out with a ride to where it was playing.

    I would have went if it were closer to me. But, life goes on..

  2. I'm going to see Celebration Day shortly and I just got 100% on my Public Speaking quiz.

    Congrats's to you! I was in drama class in high school & I had to do monologues so I know what it's like to speak in front of people. It can be tough.

    Fixing to go get some food.

  3. Where ya been Led Zep Girl?

    Are you going to Celebration Day filming?

    Hi! :wave:

    I've been working but I managed to get a couple of days off & they flew by too fast!

    No, I will not be going to see Celebration Day. :( I already had things planned for another occasion.

  4. Nobody is going to judge you DAS. Dont worry about it. We are not holding a beauty contest here. Its just nice to know who you are talking to. My picture is in "post a picture of yourself" but you probably have to go back a ways. It could be under either Silvermedalist, or Yukon Cornelius or Icantquityoubabe,. Ha. three of my former names.

    I have to agree with you. It is nice to know who you are talking too.

  5. Many thanks to all. Family and music will be a big help getting through this.

    And we all know that time is a great healer but we will always be left with a scar.

    You're welcome. We are like family here, we care about each other & help each other in time of need. ^_^

    I had to buy new tires for the whip. What made me UN-happy was the price. Good lord.. :(

  6. Still getting my wood ready for winter (he said 'wood')

    Also building a shipping box for my heavy rifle to send it to Mississippi.

    I just got Dish network and I never realized how many reality shows there were.

    Pawn Wars, Parking Wars, Duck Dynasty, Cajun Pawn Stars, Hoarders (disgusting).......

    I'm still getting used to all these channels. :^)

    I know. My dad likes to watch those Pawn shows & I can't stand them! Hoarder's will make you think & probably throw up. Not a good show to watch. I have Directv. But, I'll admit, I do watch the housewives & all of it's entirety.

  7. I lost my Dad this morning.

    Sorry for the downer folks, but after coming to this site for a couple of years now it was the first place I could think of at this time of the morning. I know some of you have gone through what I am going through right now. Not wanting you to re-live it though, I apologise for that.

    Isn't Led Zeppelin great?

    I am so sorry for your loss. I'll be thinking of you.

  8. That Mitt Romney kicked Obama's ass in that debate last night. It showed that Obama is a Ass Clown and wasn't ready to be President the first time or this 2nd time. Unless he has a prepared speech written by someone else and a teleprompter he comes off like a nervous idiot like last night. :lol:

    ^ :thumbsup:

    I got to spend some quality time with my mom.

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