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Led Zep Girl

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Status Updates posted by Led Zep Girl

  1. "Well, we are going there to have a chat but it just so happens that the instruments are sort of there as well. So, who knows...." -Jimmy Page (It Might Get Loud)

  2. Why does it take me so long to blow dry my hair?

  3. Can't wait to play my guitar tomorrow!

  4. Can't wait to play my guitar tomorrow!

  5. Okay since I am off tomorrow, I am devoting most of my time to my guitar. Since I had no time today. Now, if my guitar would go for that..

  6. Okay since I am off tomorrow, I am devoting most of my time to my guitar. Since I had no time today. Now, if my guitar would go for that..

  7. Jimmy Page, John Paul Jones. Yah I would say I am in good "Capricorn Company"!

  8. Jimmy Page, John Paul Jones. Yah I would say I am in good "Capricorn Company"!

  9. Wow. Another fellow Okie.

  10. So I have a wedding to go to Saturday. I am pretty excited.

  11. Happy Birthday John Paul Jones. May you be blessed with many more....

  12. Happy Birthday John Paul Jones. May you be blessed with many more....

  13. I wish Drag Racing would come back on. Then I would have something to watch on Sunday nights.

  14. I wish everybody a very Happy New Year! I sure hope 2011 is the year that Jimmy Page puts out something besides a book. Music Jimmy, music...

  15. I wish everybody a very Happy New Year! I sure hope 2011 is the year that Jimmy Page puts out something besides a book. Music Jimmy, music...

  16. Okay guitar. LET'S ROCK!

  17. Okay guitar. LET'S ROCK!

  18. I am so ready to wake up & start jammin' again. But first I need to go to bed..

  19. I am so ready to wake up & start jammin' again. But first I need to go to bed..

  20. Geez my shoulders and my fingers are getting a workout. Didn't think guitar playin' was so physical..

  21. Lunch break over. Back to the guitar!

  22. Lunch break over. Back to the guitar!

  23. Well, I am off to go buy me a heavy duty extension cord. Then it's guitar playin' until I have to go to work.

  24. Putting the guitar down for tonight. Gotta save some energy for tomorrow.

  25. Putting the guitar down for tonight. Gotta save some energy for tomorrow.

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