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Led Zep Girl

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Everything posted by Led Zep Girl

  1. On this day in 1998, Jimmy Page and Robert Plant released their first album of all new collaborative material since the Led Zeppelin days. Their CD had 12 new songs including the title track, "Walking into Clarksdale."

  2. Two days off in a row really doesn't help me at all. Not only did I not want to go back to work, now I really dread going back to work.

  3. YAY! LV (Louis Vuitton) is a girl's best friend.

  4. Wow it sure got chilly outside.

  5. Wow it sure got chilly outside.

  6. Just got my nails did. Now I feel like I can conquer the world. =]

  7. Today, is a great day.

  8. Today, is a great day.

  9. Yay! One fender on my Chevy II is officially yellow. I couldn't be happier with the color now I can't wait until it is all yellow.

  10. Yay! One fender on my Chevy II is officially yellow. I couldn't be happier with the color now I can't wait until it is all yellow.

  11. " Money has nothing to do with Class .. it only does in the minds of people who have too much of the former, too little of the latter, or none of either."

  12. " Money has nothing to do with Class .. it only does in the minds of people who have too much of the former, too little of the latter, or none of either."

  13. "If we are facing in the right direction, all we have to do is keep on walking."

  14. Had a good time with my friends today.

  15. So my mom just asked me, "Tiff, is there any where you want to go tonight after you get off of work?" & I said "No, because when I get home, I'm going to bed." I hope I didn't come off too strong. lol

  16. So glad I have a nice & warm house to come home too!

  17. So thankful that the storm last night wasn't any more powerful than it was. But sorry to hear about southern Oklahoma where a tornado did touch down.

  18. So thankful that the storm last night wasn't any more powerful than it was. But sorry to hear about southern Oklahoma where a tornado did touch down.

  19. So, mom told me that a tornado touched down between Jay & Grove. Not sure if this is accurate. Just saw some video on channel 8 of the Stroud tornado. Storm season is very risky..

  20. For a while following the death of John Bonham and disbanding of Led Zeppelin, Jimmy Page could barely stand to look at his guitars because of how much he was reminded of his friend who'd no longer be making music with him.

  21. For a while following the death of John Bonham and disbanding of Led Zeppelin, Jimmy Page could barely stand to look at his guitars because of how much he was reminded of his friend who'd no longer be making music with him.

  22. On this day in 1970, one of the most memorable visions at a Led Zeppelin concert took place. The Montreal Forum was standing room only, packed beyond capacity with close to 18,000 people.

  23. On this day in 1970, one of the most memorable visions at a Led Zeppelin concert took place. The Montreal Forum was standing room only, packed beyond capacity with close to 18,000 people.

  24. Well, I did my good deed for today. Now, I just hope it sticks with them. Being at that store brought back a lot of good memories.

  25. Gotta go teach the new store owners how to operate the cash register. This, will be interesting...

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