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Posts posted by spidersandsnakes

  1. Interesting posts up here.......as the saying goes "education starts at home.....", that's TRUE, but the media especially TV have their share of blame if the kids of today are STUPID. TV and other media brainwash the kids into thinking what they and the govt. wants them to think and do. The kids don't want to have the "fatigue" of thinking freely with their own brains, there is TV that does that for them.....in the WRONG way of course. It's no wonder that things aren't changing much in society....history shows that in any society, things start to change if the young people have the strong desire to change them. Parents? One of their biggest faults is to leave this situtaton as it is....in some cases, parents actually foster TV brainwashing of their kids then complain about it as if they weren't part of it:):)!

  2. Con immenso piacere, in ogni caso ti farò sapere se noi veniamo dalle tue parti a suonare; a presto, ti abbraccio!


    OK I look fwd to that.....thanx Max and ROCK ON with LZ:):):)!!!!

  3. Mi compiaccio, è una di quelle che avrei fatto più volentieri, ma bisognava studiare troppo! Mi raccomando, se capiti in Sicilia fammi sapere!

    Ciao, a presto


    Sai, io sono stato fortunato perche sono cresciuto bilingue, ma la mia madrelingua è l'inglese:):)!!! E' solamente la natural progression della mia 'fortuna':):)!!. Grazie, ti farò sapere.......tra pochi gg vado in vacanza e volevo portare la mia fidanzata italiana in Australia, il mio paese per le vacanze...oppure potrei venire in Sicily...chissà!!!:):):)

    Ciao Max:):)

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