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Posts posted by joey1985

  1. that does not look like 73 at all, i'm pretty sure that is from 75

    I love that above deutsch foto, and I found it (and the others from that set) here:


    By Mr. Bernd Kröppel. :)

    I'm not sure if we're still talking about Mr. Heilemann's photos or not? If so, I seem to recall that he took some Zep photos over in England, so he traveled a bit. Y'know the video of the May 25th Earl's Court performance? There's a part where Planty says something about a German photographer "who doesn't even say 'hello,'" whilst gesturing into the audience (with a big ol' smile, of course.) I've always figured he was referring to Bubi, cuz I swear Mr. Heilemann took some pics at Earls Court....


    Okay, yeah, I found this pic in Q, credited to Heilemann:


    And I guess I thought it looked like Earl's Court.

    But magazines aren't always right, so... grain of salt!

    Can't remember exactly what we're talking about, but I hope this helps.

    EDIT: I remember my point. Not all of Mr. Heilemann's shots may be from Germany. There we go!

  2. Thanks!, He wore that shirt at bath 1970 too, so it seems 1970 is correct over 71.

    Caption seems to be wrong as it's a German photographer and Led Zeppelin didn't play Germany in 1971. Seems to me it was taken backstage at Deutschlandhalle in Berlin on July 17, 1970. The photographer was working for Bravo (a German music magazine) at the time. Bravo usually sent their staff photographers to cover Berlin concerts. Robert wore that same shirt onstage in Berlin, Franfurt and Essen.


  3. Yea, that is his home in sussex called plumpton place or manor.

    Is this at Jimmys home, cause some clips of him playing acoustic guitar (I believe at his home) appeared in the Travelling Riverside Blues promo, and of course in TSRTS too:

    There's some snippets throughout of him. This is a great promo, but such a tease With all the unreleased footage!

  4. Awesome picture, I have always loved the non stage pictures for some reason, and these are way cool, thanks!

    I'm sure someone with the answer will be along, but my guess is somewhere in Europe, because it was taken by Wolfgang Heilemann. (His nickname is "Bubi," which is pretty appropriate since he was the one who gave us that shot of Robert with the topless girl on his lap. Heavens!)




    I also attached a big Jimmy pic, cuz it was too big to post. All probably the same place/time. Hopefully someone'll enlighten us both to the exact date. :)

  5. he bought it sometime in 1980 and started moving in august 1980 then sold it in 1990 then bought it back again in the mid 90's I believe then sold it yet again sometime later, maybe early - mid 2000's. I'm sure someone on here knows more. I do know he bought it from actor michael cain and this is the house Bonham passed away in.

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