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Posts posted by SozoZoso

  1. I must appologise blockparted for the sheer cheek of stealing your fab photos of his hotness, I do rather get carried away everytime I drool..I mean see his photo and I just HAD to share them with my fellow Plantaides, but I kinda guess you being a fellow fan, you wouldn't mind either :)

  2. So now ladies we have sorted out which "departments" of Robert we should see too, here are the relevant umm...areas

    10369909_1473499526218849_28295472458544 The "Lemon Squeezing" department

    10291082_1473498916218910_10414965607059 The "derriere" department

    1554480_1473498476218954_948348580359963 The "nips ahoy!" department

    10171676_1473500586218743_50470046513224 The "Lemon phase two" Department10257703_1473501236218678_64900359430084

    The "Finger lickin good" department (aka...MY department)

    10336791_1473502289551906_50360282135897 The "Gaze deep into your soul" department

    10270592_10202171846721259_1278435611949 The "Golden God locks" department

  3. I don't think it's photoshopped, in TSRTS he is wearing a jeans top, this red one doesn't seem like jeans to me... what do you think?

    From a distance, that red top looks a very similar cut to the one from TSRTS, only a different colour....but then again it could be just me.

  4. Hi all you Plant fans :)

    just wanted to ask if any of you know whether Robert and Patty are still together?

    I only ask this because of what he says here in this interview ... that his girlfriend is 29. Patty is much older than 29 ... of course, he could be joking around...

    thanks in advance :)


    Funny thing is I was thinking the same thing here. I know that Patty has some solo projects coming up (as well as Robert as we all know already) and there hasn't been a peep regarding either working together or thier relationship together.

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