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Posts posted by SozoZoso

  1. I actually don't like tans, either real or fake. A smattering of freckles is more attractive I think, but yes...I'm proud of my pale/freckly Celtic complection

    In fact, not one for blowing my own trumpet but having natural pale skin plus drinking buckets of water does make you young. I'm 37 coming 38 this Christmas and one of the ladiea in my archery club thought I was a 22 year old student (I told that lady she was my new best friend! lol), in fact I always get comments on my age. I have seen loads of young girls that look older than they are, thanks to tans.

    In fact, anyone can quote me if I'm wrong, but I did read somewhere online that fake tan makes you fat?!? It's something to with chemicals in the tanning products.

  2. I'm a natural red head and can only imagine myself with a tan.....I would look totally ridiculous. And yes, even though I'm covered in the usually freckles/Celtic skin look...I'm on top of the whole painting myself with sun block head to toe. And I really mean paint, I find it now that the meds I take for RA has thinned my skin ever so slightly and my skin feels more sensitive than ever to the sun. But you know what....I prefer the whole Celtic look, I think tans, especially fake ones very tacky.

    But it's true about a few centuries ago that it was deeply unfashionable with the upper crusts to sport a tan. Having a tan showed that you were poor and spent your days out in the fields or begging in all weathers whilst the hoity toity stayed indoors smothering themselves (or rather get some lacky to do it for them) in white lead/arsenic based cosmetics to make themselves look pale as possible. The paler you were, the higher in the uber snobbery stakes you were.

    How things have so much changed.

  3. I know this has been posted before, but this is one of my all time favorites. I just love the look of his face, that kind of sheer blissful look as if for that moment, the music is sweeping him off to another place. Gorgeous, gorgeous man :wub::wub:


  4. These are truly wonderful. I'd love to see more of your historical doodles, SozoZoso. Maybe Lady Jane Grey, etc.

    Thank you, I will do one of Lady Jane Grey. I had finished this one last night, I believe it was originally by Hans Holbein so I have posted the original painting to compare.

    post-19782-0-78345900-1405442382_thumb.p post-19782-0-71348100-1405442395_thumb.j

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