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Posts posted by SozoZoso

  1. My family and myself went up to the cemetery to put some flowers from my grans wreath onto my grandads and aunts graves. I taken what ever is left of them, so I will put my florist skills to some use by making a poesy for the house.

  2. Had a good time at the north coast, though I was feeling very drained. We called into a chums house before heading home and I had my first Reiki session done there.

    Lets just say that I was plesently surprised at the results and was told that my third eye was very opened (that however did not surprise me as I'm the "ghost hunter" in the family) and also there were a lot of issues in my head. Again, not surprised there.

    My friend had also been asking me to take up a course of Reiki healing.

  3. My grandmother passed away earlier tonight, she had been so ill over the last year and had literally everything thrown at her. I even said to my sister this week that gran had danced with the grim reaper so many times....but she is at peace now which is a blessing and a relief.

  4. I had a lucky escape tonight, one of my arrows nearly exploded off my bow causing the arrow to nearly impale through my arm. I have a large band aid on it as it was bleeding quite a bit and was told that more likely it'll bruise pretty badly.

  5. My archery club is taking part in a village fete a few miles away from where I live, so I'm gonna pop down for a nosey.

    I cannot help with the running of it though (I'm not qualified enough) but I did hear that there is a waterfall nearby so I'll be taking the camera down too as well.

  6. I've got the paint shop bug now....I'm actually self taught in calligraphy (from school age), sadly there's not a lot of call for this kind of skill nowadays


    I might do a Led Zeppelin lyric thing....any suggestions?

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