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Posts posted by SozoZoso

  1. Tonights little do was a big success, my mum and dad were well chuffed with the cake and cupcakes. So now it is officially their anniversary so here it goes...


    and me with the finished cupcakes..10343675_10152198476465003_6365614860643

    Half of the cupcakes had been eaten by the time this photo was taken...and they went down a treat, not bad for a first time baker!

  2. Some naughty ones of our Rob....freshly pinched from Facebook


    I was gonna edit the bum picture....put a banner across it as it is a little on the NFBSK side....so appologies

  3. I have had a headache slash neckache all day! I think it's stress. Aside from that and some other stuff nobody really wants to hear about :lol: life is pretty sweet. :suntan:

    Sounds like something I would get if I woke up in a awkward way, you sure it's not that?

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