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Posts posted by timothy5151

  1. Every year my city has a festival that runs for a week. The street has over 20 bars/pubs/clubs on it, as well an outdoor stage. Every night there are several bands playing and the entire street gets blocked off from traffic and drinking can occur on the streets until 3am. One ticket admission get access to the music and all the clubs/bars/pubs.  The Festival has been running for over 30 years. My birthday occurs right in the middle of this festival, so I've been going to this since 1997. This year Our Lady Peace, Trooper, I Mother Earth, Finger 11, Arkells, and Classified are the main headliners.

    I'm seeing Our Lady Peace on July 26 and Arkells on July 30.



  2. 12 hours ago, gibsonfan159 said:

    Okay, a pillow case. Weird, but not that weird. What's strange is the print which is lifted off that terrible comic book. Looks kinda cool though. I could possibly convince myself to buy this.


    It's kind of neat... in a weird way. I plan on getting a nice armchair so I can sit next/close to my record player to chill and listen to music. Something like this might go nicely in that chair.

  3. Loving the new song. Great guitar work. The singer could do with a little less wailing/shrieking at times. Some very good song compositions have comes from this band. Let's hope this silences some of the folks calling them nothing more than a Zeppelin wannabe.

  4. 8 hours ago, Anjin-san said:


    I find this extremely funny as I once had a cat who's farts stunk that bad that my girlfriend and I would have to leave the room.... they were that nasty! The cat also had OCD with regards to the litterbox. She had to have the surface completely clean and level after her and our other cat's bowel movements... even after I cleaned the litterbox.

  5. I've come back from vacation to find that the bass player, Garry Lowe, for the Canadian rock/blues/reggae band Big Sugar passed away on Saturday, July 7, after a battle with cancer. I've seen Big Sugar numerous times over the years and they put off a great performance every time. Last year when  I saw them they were without Garry due to his illness and his presence was missed at the show. 


    RIP Garry






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