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Everything posted by Jahfin

  1. Not to add fuel to the fire but Bob Marley's father was white and his mother was black yet he was referred to as a black man. I doubt the media has time (or the need) to explain Obama's racial origins every time his name is mentioned.
  2. The other day on TCM: Last night on VH1 Classic:
  3. More on the new record here. Although I liked Brighter Than Creation's Dark, I never really connected with it on the same level I did with some of their other albums. In that regard, I'm glad to hear the follow up is going to be a "big, loud, rowdy rock record".
  4. I need to expand my collection as well. I think all I have is a comp from Rhino on CD and Give The People What They Want on vinyl. I read recently where they have a box set out but the review (from Uncut) didn't speak too favorably of it.
  5. I usually pick up new albums by the Old 97s on the day of release but after being less than impressed by their last one, Drag It Up, I wasn't exactly in a hurry to buy their new one when it came out last year. When I saw the deluxe edition on sale along with a free promo copy of the greatest hits collection Hit By A Train through their website I decided to snatch them up.
  6. They announced last spring they were disbanding for at least a year. I think in the business that's referred to as a "hiatus". I seriously doubt we've heard the last of 'em.
  7. I don't recall the brand name right off the top of my head but I remember a fella that ran a used record store recommending a rather pricey turntable to me several years ago. He mentioned to me how on some turntables, if you turned the sound all the way down you could still hear the music playing. He said that was due to the turntable vibrating. This particular turntable he was selling didn't do that. He also sold a very high priced record cleaner made by a company called Nitty Gritty. Needless to say, I never invested in either. My vinyl collection, along with my stereo equipment remains in storage. Someday I do hope to put it to use again. When I do, I also plan to invest in some new equipment. Hopefully something nice but it definitely won't be of audiophile quality.
  8. Technically speaking I don't think a lot of the artists listed in this thread are necessarily "one hit wonders" but I felt Garland at least warranted a mention following the discussion of 96 Tears. He's probably best known for Wild In the Streets but 96 Tears was also a hit for him. If it wasn't for album radio back in the 70s and 80s it's doubtful I ever even would have heard of him. A few years back I happened upon the album his cover of 96 Tears appeared on (Escape Artist) in a used record store. His entire body of work is definitely worth looking into though.
  9. The use of Pink Moon in that VW ad helped change my perspective on the use of songs in commercials, especially for lesser known artists such as Nick. I'd had his music recommended to me for years but it wasn't until a couple of years ago that I finally got around to purchasing any of his records.
  10. It's by Player. What's scary is that I didn't even have to look that up, probably because it's etched in my memory from when it first came out. To make it even worse there's a second commercial that uses a Mexican version of the same song.
  11. Yes, they did. One called The Love Parade. I didn't realize until reading their AllMusic bio right now that Life In A Northern Town was an elegy for Nick Drake. http://allmusic.com/cg/amg.dll?p=amg&s...gifexqe5ldhe~T1
  12. Extended trailer for Do It Again, a still in progress documentary about the Kinks.
  13. Not everyone here believes Zep is the best live band of all time. I'd definitely put them up there (along with The Who) though.
  14. Paste has posted the best of the Obamicons so far.
  15. I'm sure Obama won't be off-limits, though some of them may be left leaning the late night talk show hosts skewer all politicians, no matter their own political affiliation.
  16. The final installment for those that missed it.
  17. There will be room for Obama humor, believe me. Bush was constant fodder for humor but no politician is immune to it, least of all the President.
  18. What Stewart, Maher, Miller, Colbert, etc. do is called political satire. I enjoyed the recent appearances of R.E.M. and Rush on The Colbert Report mainly because both groups have the mistaken public perception of being so serious. Those appearances were a reminder of just how humorous they both are and can be. I'm not sure if his show still comes on but another political humorist I used to enjoy is Mark Russell who had a program on PBS for the longest time. I am also going to miss the Great Moments In Presidential Speeches segment from Letterman's show immensely.
  19. Can't say I ever thought of Great White as a "tribute act" either, the Zeppelin thing was just a way of them acknowledging them as an influence.
  20. I know a lot has been made of Rolling Stone's reviews of Zeppelin over the years but it never really stopped me from reading it. I'm quite capable of thinking for myself and forming my own opinions about music so I always kind of got a kick out of those fans that took that shit so seriously. It has been interesting to see them do a lengthy feature on Rush and put AC/DC on their cover in recent months though.
  21. The Daily Show is "comedy"? Who woulda thunk it, especially since it's a lot more accurate than anything you're likely to see on any of the networks (Fox included). Then again, most of what I've seen on Fox could pass as comedy as well, particularly their coverage of Bush's departure. When they're on SNL's Weekend Update can be pretty enlightening as well, especially Tina Fey's guest spots this past season.
  22. I caught that. Then again, The Daily Show is where I catch most of my news.
  23. All I was saying was that Great White turned in such a faithful version because they cut their teeth as a cover band (as most bands do). It was their intention to turn in a version that sounded so close to Zeppelin's. It wasn't like they were trying to put their own spin on it as Zeppelin did with their blues covers.
  24. Perhaps but like I said, the only review that I can recall reading was in Creem and it was a good one. At least to the best of my recollection. Then again, it has been 30 years ago. Besides that, the only review that really matters to me is what I thought of it. I could give a shit what any of the reviewers had to say about it, then or now. Did you decide it was a bad record based solely on what reviewers thought of it?
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