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Posts posted by JP78

  1. found it , i think it was this one .

    Does anyone have that pic of Robert in line at the check out at the grocery store with the black dude behind him? LOL I'm sure it's on this thread somewhere, but can't seem to find it??


  2. ^^Actually on closer look and please correct me if I'm talking rubbish, but those pants he's wearing kinda looks the type that Freddie Mercury would have worn

    yes, i think i know which ones you are talking about.

  3. Merry Christmas fellow Plantaides :)


    hahaha, best christmas tree ever. i think i'm going to decorate with lemons next time and let people wonder what that is all about. just mines and robert's secret.

  4. Robert_Plant__2711812b.jpg

    his eyes are blue but they appear to be a grayish blue shade. this is probably why his eyes look dark in some pics based on the lighting. i wonder if that one ring says something on it . it looks like some inscription but could just be a design.

  5. What instrument is Plant playing in the above photo? I've never seen anything like it before.

    that's a guitar made from an oil can. i didn't really read the article but it had to do with some guys opening a buisness and selling guitars and trying new ideas and i guess this is one of them.

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