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Posts posted by Cecil.

  1. Here is something that's been nagging me. Jimmy has said on several occasions that he put away his guitars after John Bonham died for a long stretch of time and the ARMS concert was what pulled him out of inacivity. But he actually had a lot to do during those first few post-Zep years. There was finishing up Coda (not sure how much guitar work was involved). There was the XYZ sessions, and there was Death Wish II. So I'm wondering whether Jimmy was exaggerating or there really is a long stretch there where he had his guitars in storage with no break inbetween and exactly WHEN that was?

    Secondly, has anyone actually tried to deconstruct Jimmy's solo songs to figure out which songs and portions of songs has him playing guitar synthesizer? I have a pretty good idea which bits on Death Wish II feature it. Outrider and C/P it's a little harder to figure out. Some of the synth parts are keyboards so it's a little hard to distinguish between the two. But with the GR-300 and the GR-700, more of the string technique bleeds through so you can tell, vs. later Roland synths that merely translate pitch to MIDI. I've often heard that Death Wish II had a combination of GR-300 and GR-700 but if the soundtrack was recorded in 1981 or 1982, the GR-700 hadn't yet been released (unless Jimmy got a prototype model). There is a photo of him playing the GR-700 taken from a high angle that is hard to find online. I don't know the date on that one. I've never seen it in high resolution. He also did a print ad endorsing the VG-8 but I have no documentation of him ever using one in the studio or live. He eventually stopped using guitar synths and stuck to the Transperformance instead. He gave an audio interview for the Transperformance guys where he talked about his frustrations trying to get good tracking on guitar synths.

    I do recall the the Roland ads Jimmy wore the same clothes for both ads, thought the first Gr 303? 1981 Gr 700 late 1983

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