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Posts posted by Cecil.

  1. good idea :)

    I always look up whenever I am outside. I have seen many moving objects at night, none during the day. I suspect 99% of them have been sattelites, but one time i saw a light follow the ISS, and then do a 180 turn and go back the other way .......

    Could that have been the supply module, sent back into the atmosphere for burn up.?

  2. When I first watched a Godzilla film, what I liked was the badly dubbed humans who became observers once the main punch-up began, those films had a romance and charm to my younger self, In the new film are there any annoying characters and do they get "squished" at the first possible opportunity. I still remember the 1998 version. :mad:

  3. some of the stuff was new to me, some old.

    but did you find it interesting?

    No, it is a load of poppycock with added sound effects, but you get a free pass when it comes to watching the skies for this sort of stuff.. :mellow:

  4. as far as i know, it is still thought that they saw a UFO, so i guess not solved, as in, not ever proven to be military or such.

    Did the teacher who took the photographs ever get published, and thank you for taking the time to find a video, Slave..

  5. That is the one, the programme I saw was one of those horrid "coming up after the break" type TV shows that have 10 minutes of content spread across a hour! Did this case ever get solved ?

    Oh the other point, no I was not being serious.

  6. i'm just speculating, i really don't know. it could be real.

    oh yes, i am :) are you?

    Not since I had a visit from two men in black, who told me to take an interest in Astronomy..

    Anyway watchng TV late last year a lot of school children witnessed a test plane or something land , near their school which was in Oz in the 1950's or early 1960's. , have you heard of this.?

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