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Disco Duck

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Posts posted by Disco Duck

  1. As the OP, I feel compelled to explain my original question. Plant has done amazing things with his solo career, Allison Kraus, SSS, Band of Joy, etc. Jones made some really unique and amazing solo albums, produced albums for various artists, did arrangements for artists, TCV, and now the Dave Rawlings Machine (just jaw dropping stuff).

    Page would appear to be every bit as talented as his former bandmates, but his output has been ... Well... massively underwhleming. Does the world really need the fourteenth remastering of the Zep catalog?

    So with all that talent, DO SOMETHING. ***ANYTHING*** for Christ's sake. And if you're done, stop blabbing about how you can't wait to play live, and you have new music. Cause let's face it. At this pace, in 2017 you will release the new remastered catalog of Zep, including never before heard digestive noises from the 1973 tour. And yeah, you know it, it will selling massive numbers sadly enough.

    I suppose there are different ways for rock musicians to retire. John Deacon (Queen bass player) threw in the towel back in the late 1990's and hasn't been seen or heard from since. To the best of my knowledge he doesn't attend music industry events; not even those promoting Queen. He didn't attend Queen's induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

  2. Statistics and his nearly 25 year hiatus from solo pursuits. I knew he was done based upon his sparse "musical content" in It Might Get Loud, and even that was five long years ago. Jimmy Page to be touring and recording at 75 and beyond? Ridiculous.

    Sparse musical content? I've only seen clips from It Might Get Loud, not the entire film. Are you saying that Page didn't do much guitar playing in that documentary?

    P.S. Do we know for certain that Page's mother is still alive and kicking?

  3. I would like to think of our working relationship as very special. Ive never had anyone else that I can approach with any sort of unusual musical idea—no matter how strange they might be—and receive immediate reactions. Robert and I have always had this understanding that is almost impossible to describe. - Jimmy Page(from an interview with [Hit Parader])

    Isn't that sweet?

    Do you have a date for this interview?

  4. I'm rather busy at the office right now...

    but wtf, this thread has been uncharacteristically quiet for some time...

    Great photos. Thank you for sharing them with us. Do you have any information about them; i.e. place and date?

  5. The fiasco with Toronto mayor,Rob Ford......is upstaging the senate scandal in Ottawa....the senate scandal is far more serious to me as a tax payer..

    Juliet :coffee:

    PS I hope Ford takes a LOA..leave of absence

    I've been meaning to ask...how is the Ford scandal going over with Toronto residents and Canadians in general? IMO, the man seems out of control but I'm only getting third hand reports via the American media.

  6. I mentioned in an earlier post that Led Zeppelin had better management than The Who. I should be more specific and say that Zep had better management than The Who during the latter's most creative period; 1965-1973. They did have good management later on but not when they were at their peak.

  7. Both bands could kick ass during their live performances but The Who were more consistent. Robert Plant, is a far better singer than Roger Daltrey. However, Daltrey took better care of his voice when he was young and retained his original range and power far longer than Plant. Jimmy Page (in his prime) ran circles around Pete Townshend as a guitar player but Townshend (imho) is the better songwriter. John Entwhistle was as good (or even better) a bass player as John Paul Jones but JPJ can also play keyboards. The Who made more use of vocal harmony in their live shows and studio recordings; a plus for me. Led Zeppelin had better management; a major plus.

  8. I've never been able to get into Joni Mitchell. I can't deny her talent or accomplishments but her music leaves me cold. I was sorry to hear that she is battling a chronic illness and hope she is feeling better.

  9. honestly, i don't get it, jonesy is the most classically handsome one in the band. he should have way more than 11 pages.

    I agree. I suspect a couple of things were going on during Led Zeppelin's heyday.

    1) Robert Plant and Jimmy Page were the front man and guitar player so most of the photos and film from that era focus on them.

    2) IMO, most of JPJ's hairstyles during this era didn't flatter him. He was fond of bangs, but they obscured the symmetry of his face.

  10. JohnPaulJonesLeather_zps6f1208ef.jpg

    I've never seen this one before. Yes, JPJ was hot in a quiet, unassuming way. Nice cheekbones, nice buns, nice lips and a good head of hair. This photo answers my question about his natural hair color; a fawn brown.

  11. These photos are on the Photoshot site and are the copyright of individual photographers. Some of the ones of Jimmy are "interesting" to say the least.




    I remember one of the photos featuring Jimmy meeting a friend on the Kings Road being featured on the forums before, but Photoshot gives more than one pic.






    Is the blond guy in the photo someone we should recognize? His hair and clothing make me wonder if he's in the music industry. Cute pooch, btw.

  12. Sounds pretty good to me DD

    Tonight's fayre:

    Pan Fried Hake

    Sweet Potato Wedges, oven baked with a dusting of Spanish Smoked Paprika & Cumin

    Green Beans

    Adding frozen vegetables to ramen noodles is a trick I learned during my grad student days. Is hake a fish?

  13. but I can also see this may be a fans one time chance,I guess when you are a star you just have to put up with some things

    Perhaps, but his kids shouldn't have to put up with it. They're not celebrities. Fans shouldn't intrude upon their time with their father, imo.

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