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Posts posted by thozil

  1. Still looking for definitive proof, but the style of the elevators fits better with Lime Grove. Maida Vale is long low building not more than two stories high.

    We supposedly have a photo from the March 3rd show, and the Playhouse also has a different architectural style - but I suppose it's possible that photo is mislabeled and those are elevators for the artists.

  2. I don't think the photo's from Olympic either. They were at Olympic to record the first album - but the hair length of the group in the photo seems too long to be from Sept/Oct 68.

    Then they didn't get back to Olympic until June 69.

    I still think its from sometime between Feb 17th, 69 and Apr 23rd, 69 when they were in Europe.

    The Lime Grove video does show the elevators...and they don't match...so it's not Lime Grove. (I have a screenshot but can't upload it for some reason...but you get a glimpse at 50s into the video)

  3. Regarding this photo:


    I don't think it was taken at MacNeil Press. Why would Jimmy bring his guitars? Even if he did, he wouldn't take them out their cases. In the photo we can see his Danelectro (center) and the Telecaster (right). The guitars being out indicate either a performance or a recording session.

    The photographer is credited as being Dominique Tarlé - a French photographer - so likely the picture is from a European location.

    I think the clothes help zero in on the approximate date.

    Photos from the Brondby show on March 15th have Plant, Page and maybe Jones wearing the same shirts.

    The elevators indicate that a) it's probably not a club gig, b ) not a hotel (why would the guitars be out?) c) probably not a recording studio (could be but there are no known studio dates from that timeframe) d) a TV or Radio studio.

    That points to five dates from around this time:

    1) March 3 - Playhouse - we have a picture of this already - clothes are different

    2) March 14 - Swedish TV - Page has the same clothes on for this - but not the others

    3) March 17 - Danish TV - none of them have the same clothes as the photo

    4) March 19 - BBC Maida Vale - we have a photo of this already. I don't see the Maida Vale building needing these elevators...

    5) March 21 - BBC Lime Grove...we have no pictures of this, but the building has multiple stories and the "style" of the elevators looks like it's from the same era:


    Of course it could also be at one of the other large halls - Tivoli, Konserhuset, or Uppsala - or from another unknown gig.

    But my guess is that the photo is from March 21st at Lime Grove.

    Interestingly, there are also photos from a promo session where both Page and Plant are dressed the same, and Bonham is wearing a shirt that he had in Miami in Feb. I'm pretty sure the photographer is also Dominique Tarlé.



  4. Missed this for some reason..RP was on a mission.. "15 Nov 1967 : Robert Plant, a nineteen year old Wolverhampton pop-singer visits the office of the Charge d'Affaires of the Republic of China in Portland Place, London, to hand in a letter expressing his interest in the cultural revolution, currently taking place in that country, and offering his services and that of the Band of Joy to the Republic. In his letter he said: "We are prepared to play for a period of time, free of charge, as we feel very strongly about a united world."

    I don't doubt that he went to London, but that photo doesn't look right. Was it included with the article - is there a photo credit?

  5. BBC Broadcasting House is in Portland Place...CBS Records released three Robert Plant singles between March-July 1967.

    Steve, something about that photo just isn't right...it looks skewed. Looks like the body was pasted into the shot, and looks like the face of an older plant photoshopped in. the clothes are right, the hair is right, but the lines on the face and dimples just look wrong. My two cents...

  6. Not sure if this has been posted before....

    The Yardbirds - Christ The King High School, Middle Village, NY 1967



    These photos can't be from the same show - 1) photo 2 has a clock on the wall behind Jim McCarty that's not in photo 1, 2) Keith Relf's microphone type is different, and 3) the mic stand in photo 2 has a spiral wrapper on the bottom section.

    2) and 3) could be explained - different mics may have been used, but I don't think 1) can be explained. The band's clothes are the same, so the shows were probably from the same time period, but it's not the same gig.

    update: it looks like the clock is there, so likely the mic was changed. Could very well be the same show.

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