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Posts posted by tenyearsgone21

  1. 54 minutes ago, Mercurious said:

    It's generally true. Yet here we are on a Led Zeppelin forum where the singer doesn't want much to do with Led Zeppelin. There was no excuse for not including Jonesy in Plant-Page, and it just looks silly twenty years later.  30 years later, really -- Robert should have given it up after Shaken 'n Stirred bombed.  As for the thread topic, there's no doubt it was Robert's problem. 

    So what he doesn't want much with Zep. They agreed the band was done when Bonham passed. They all agreed. Maybe feelings changed down the line but Robert chose not to revisit Zep full time. I don't know why he's a bad guy but Page hasn't done shit for years except remaster zep records a bunch of times but that's wonderful? I appreciate it but I respect Robert for doing his own thing more. And just cause Shaken wasn't his finest hour I wouldn't put down what he did following which I think was some of his best work. 

  2. 1 hour ago, Strider said:

    Jesus. All the butthurt feelings around here. Look...the only thing I thought was wrong of Plant was him not informing John Paul Jones personally of what was going down instead of letting JPJ find out thru the news media.

    But you people need to remember one thing...this was not a Led Zeppelin project, and it never was intended to be one.

    MTV approached Robert Plant, the solo artist coming off three of his best albums (Now and Zen, Manic Nirvana, Fate of Nations), and asked him to do one of their Unplugged shows as Robert Plant, the solo artist. 

    MTV did not say "Hey reunite Led Zeppelin". So get the fuck over it already.

    Robert Plant had his band already at that time and could have done a regular Unplugged gig and I guess nobody's feelings would have been hurt. But because Jimmy Page was invited, it took on this whole other aura and now everyone wants to jump on Plant's back.

    If you are so concerned about Jones' feelings, why don't you equally castigate Jimmy Page? He could have just as easily picked up a phone and called Jones to let him know what was happening. 

    It should be obvious to anyone well-versed in Zeppelin history, and Plant himself explained many times why Jones wasn't part of the MTV thing. The wounds from Zeppelin were still very deep and raw and Plant wanted to dip back in those waters very carefully...baby steps.

    And look at the bright side...we got Jones with Diamanda Galas and the Zooma and Thunderthief albums.

    But yes, Plant and Page should have informed Jones ahead of time as a courtesy.

    Total agreement on this but it seems from what I've seen of this forum, people are always ready to blame Robert for everything and bc Jimmy wants to do nothing original but Zep reissues and reform the band, he is without any faults. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Brigante said:

    'Where's John Paul Jones?' - 'He's parking the car!' Disrespectful? Sure, but all pisstakes are disrespectful. How do you make a wise ass quip at someone else's expense in a 'respectful' way? Unforgiveable? Nah, it was just a smart-arse one-liner, not a deathly serious, fully-considered value judgement on JPJ's worth or contribution to Led Zeppelin. Look, when Paul Cook and Steve Jones from the Sex Pistols were interviewed on American radio in 1978, the interviewer asked 'Where's Sid?' and Jones replied 'He's wanking off!' Spot the parallel? See it for the simple off-the-cuff, smart-arse quip it was? 'He's parking the car' was no different to that. Ripping the piss out of your mates - it's a national pastime!

    I understand what you're saying but I would guess (just my opinion of course) that first off, it's his sense of humor which doesn't always come across as such but also, he'd probably been asked a ton of questions about why no John Paul and Zep and maybe he was trying to find a way to put a stop to it and it just didn't come out that way. 

  4. 3 hours ago, SteveAJones said:

    I know what thread this is because I started it. Nearly every passing is met with a variety of posts. Some are strictly RIP, while others are more free form in their content. I didn't just say Kate Jackson was hotter, I presented an obscure film they were both in. As far as I'm concerned that is keeping things on track. She has passed away and we were discussing her. Trump bashers, well they just can't help themselves. You could start a thread about how to repair an old VCR and they'd find a way to drag him into the discussion.


    I know sometimes threads get off topic but you suggested another member die, and there are several instances of liberal bashing and assuming everyone who's a Democrat is like that. I take offense as a liberal but regardless, attacking other people for differing view points or taking every opportunity to dig into someone is inappropriate and especially in a thread dedicated to those who passed. 

  5. 26 minutes ago, the chase said:

    I thought this was the all official LZ. com Rest In Peace thread...  where people are dying to get in .... not the Kate Jackson is hotter than Carrie Fisher or President Elect Trump is accused by some of rape thread..

    keep it on track guys.. There are plenty of other threads for that stuff.  

    I don't post too much but thank you for saying this. It's really so inappropriate to get into wishing people should die, political nastiness etc. in any thread, but especially this :(

  6. Isn't that Graceland that Robert is standing outside.


    Also was that the home studio that was built at the beginning of his solo work.


    Thank you for posting.

    The guitar pic I think is an ad he did for Washburn.

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