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Everything posted by gibsonfan159

  1. I think you misunderstand the thread concept. Items you can't convince yourself to buy. Let me know when you get this one.
  2. Then I'm doing a service by advertising it. Nothing will stop people from hitting the buy button. But let's be real; $800 for a long box CD? That's an interesting proposition.
  3. Not even free shipping. If they were $15 I'd buy them just for the novelty.
  4. gibsonfan159


    Wow, I've never seen any of these before. Looks like a funeral booklet.
  5. While browsing through eBay for Zep stuff you'll find a lot of off-beat items.Thought I'd make a thread about some of the more strange or downright ridiculous ones we come across. Or items that are cool, but you just can't convince yourself to buy.
  6. I thought the 25th (and 22nd) captured the daunting, "desert" vibe more. The 21st just lacks that mood to me, though it's a great performance. You're right, something weird happens there. I don't think it's a cut though because Jones seems to stay on track while Jimmy is off. Or at least the guitar and keyboards are out of sync for a second. If it was a cut they would at least still be in sync. As far as the solos, I can't argue. Both are monumental performances. I liked the rhythm Bonham throws in at 9:36 on the 25th.
  7. Best Of L.A. 77 TSRTS- 21st. Pure energy. Sick Again- 23rd. The heaviness of this one sets it apart. Plus flawless lead from Page. NFBM- 26th. It's a good, solid version with a well structured solo from Page. Though it's hard to top the energy from the 21st. IMTOD- 25th. I may biased toward the better audio, but this also has the better solos. OTHAFA- This one is tough for me. The solo from the 22nd is certainly phenomenal to a casual listener, but as a guitar player I don't think it's that great. It's a flurry of delay heavy triplets that Page repeats throughout. There's no impressive phrasing or lightning fast runs, plus a noticeably flubbed intro. I'd go with either the energetic 21st with Bonham going crazy or the 26th which is the most solid version. SIBLY- 25th. 21st, 23rd, and 25th are all exceptional versions. 21st has the energy (almost too much for this song). 23rd is near perfect with Plant sounding great. 25th has the best mood and solo. No Quarter- 23rd. It's the overall best version, though I prefer Jones' solo from the 27th. Ten Years Gone- 23rd. 21st is good, but it almost rolls too fast. I think Plant might've been better on other versions, but Page's pedal-steel style licks are perfect here and give it a southern rock feel. Kashmir- 25th. Bonham rocks the shit outta this one. Trampled Underfoot- 25th. This one is menacing with Page playing perfectly. His riffing during Jones's solo is deadly. Achilles Last Stand- 22nd. A couple of flubs, but it doesn't matter. The frantic, nervous pace of this one sums up the mood of the song perfectly. Plus a great series of solos. Stairway To Heaven- 25th. The 23rd has more energy, but the 25th is just performed better overall. Rock And Roll- 21st. A good, energetic version with Bonham sounding lively. Communication Breakdown- 25th. It'll Be Me- 26th. If anyone wants to tackle the acoustic sets and solos, be my guest. That way we can assemble a complete playlist.
  8. I spent so many hours with the headphones on jamming this album.
  9. Nitpicking Page 6/27/1977 (Mike The Mike, Winston Remaster) Good audience recording with the guitar up front and amazingly clear. If you're listening along and taking note of my time-stamps, the version I'm using for this is the 2006 Winston remaster, with the opening note of TSRTS starting at the 0:17 mark. This set also has a nice 8 song acoustic section. TSRTS- Verses drag a little. First solo- Almost perfect, with the articulation off just a little at the end. 4:22, Page does a four note pull off that sounds awesome. Outro solo- Energy is full speed now. Maybe a little sloppy at 5:02. Plant's voice isn't as strong on this one. "B+". Sick Again- Raunchy intro with lots of attitude. Minor flub at 0:21. Those extra notes at 0:27 sound great. First solo- Very minor sloppiness at 2:38. Played well, but didn't seem to have much passion behind it. Outro solo- 5:00, that bend didn't work at all. 6:00, turkey gobbling. This solo had some nice little runs, but was extremely erratic with no phrasing, worse than this part usually does. "B+". NFBM- Good first half. Harmonica- Very lackluster. I know Plant has the ability to go off on a harmonica, he just seems to always play the most basic stuff on this for some reason. 3:18, awesome drum fill. Solo- 5:09, not great articulation and he fudges the end of this run. The phrasing is very good though and it's a fairly good solo. This is a good, solid version reminiscent of the album version. "B+" OTHAFA- Excellent intro. Page's amp overdrive is through the roof when he turns up for the chorus. Solo- The dissonant beginning has a cool, spacey vibe. 3:28, I'm not really sure what he's doing here. I would say bad articulation, but he could be playing with his teeth or something. 4:32, ok, I think he's using a heavy delay effect that's distorting the sound. This solo was..different, but good. Very psychadelic. 6:55, Page hits the same chord twice here. Plant sings a passionate outro. 7:30, loses his way a bit. 7:48, flub. Apart from the weird solo and outro flubs, I really like this version, especially with the heavy guitar tone. "B+". SIBLY- Powerful intro, with emotional guitar that isn't overdone. 2:06, Page misses that chord a bit. Solo- Page does some unique stuff on this one. Played and phrased very well. 5:32, minor chord flub. This is a very somber version, akin to the earlier versions in 70 and 71. 7:49, Bonzo says screw it, this is the last night here and goes off. Plant credits Page as "James Patrick". Even with a few flubs, "A". No Quarter- 2:22, very nice Plant vocal. I always appreciate when he goes the extra mile for something. Nitpicking Jones- 5:37-7:50, Jones' opening warm-up on the piano is something else here. I'm not kidding, I listened about seven times. Excellent Jones section. Blues jam- Jimmy is hesitant at first, then comes in with that atrocious guitar tone. He does some basic blues routines any amateur could do and that's about it. Then Jones comes back in with expert playing. Page had to be intimidated by his musicianship. Solo- 19:11, small flub. 20:16, a flurry of inarticulate notes that remind me of the "Fool In The Rain" solo. 22:07, starts off with a sweep and does a nice run here. 22:37, this bend was good the first two times but he overdoes it here. 23:17, bad articulation. When Page slows down he sounds good, but every time he speeds up on this solo it's a slopfest. 25:48, a pretty good series of runs. 27:13, awesome "Black Sabbath" style riff. 27:42, another awesome chorded riff. "A+" for Jones, "B+" for the version overall. Ten Years Gone- Good beginning. First solo- Starts out great, then Page gets badly off track at 3:05 and just barely recovers. Second solo- He never gets a good flow going on this one. Third solo- He loosens up a bit, though he's still struggling some at 7:00. The delay section at 7:32 is quite effective and sounds good. Outro solo- Sloppy at 9:06. The lackluster lead playing knocks this down to a "B". Kashmir- Page's chording gets a little messy at times, but it's an overall good performance. There is a noticeable lack of energy though. "B+". Trampled Underfoot- Page comes in a little sluggishly on the intro. Solo- Again Page comes in like he was caught off guard and starts doing some spacey-vibed lead playing instead of shredding like he usually does. However, the spacey, delay heavy phrasing actually works quite well for this. 6:38, he gets some awesome wah runs down. The uniqueness of Page on this makes it interesting although the whole thing doesn't gel well as a whole. Still a solid "A". Achilles Last Stand- The intro lacks the aura it usually has. Page sounds slightly out of it through the chord changes. Bonham and Jones however are very tight. First solo- He's definitely done better, but he puts this together nicely. 5:08-5:14, a little sloppy. 7:17, the delay section isn't bad, but doesn't quite hit right. 8:04, he's really struggling with the syncopation on this. 8:32, that was a pretty cool ending though. Compared to the previous performances, I'd have to knock this down to a "B" considering Page's general sloppiness. Stairway To Heaven- 4:28, "Bonzo, I've got some good news!" Bonzo does some excellent stuff through here. Solo- He changes it up some and the phrasing seems a little off in the beginning. I'll be honest, this is some shitty playing that makes 1975 sound good. 9:33, flub. 10:10, embarrasing. He should've kicked in the delay effect and done another space vibe solo. He was obviously poisoned backstage by Jack Daniels. "C+". WLL- Partial. Rock And Roll- Good energy. Solo- Starts off great, then sounds like he breaks a string at 2:00. Downhill from there. "C+". Final assessment- This show is fairly solid overall, but never really gets above average and definitely has some valleys (Stairway solo). Page isn't entirely on and the band lacks some energy and enthusiasm. I think they were ready to go home. The previous night was better performance wise. Apart from the unique Trampled Underfoot solo and the massive acoustic section, there's not much noteworthy. I have to say I've surprised myself more with this 1977 LA run more than any of the 75 shows I did. Page absolutely did play on a pre-75 level. Maybe not as consistent as pre-75, but the old maestro was still in there in 77 on occasion. And how Mike "The Mic" Millard got such great recordings is amazing. Especially the guitar which is almost soundboard quality. This guy deserved the audio equivalent of the Nobel Peace prize.
  10. Those people who wrote "history" used to murder the scientists because they thought they were witches. See how stupidity and ignorance works?
  11. To be fair, you're the one who replied to my comment about chem trails. I just thought you wanted to debate.
  12. Holy shit, I know you didn't just post a YouTube conspiracy video as a rebuttal lol. Even has sci fi music in the background.
  13. Oh, I was being nice. This is just what happens when you ask too many questions that people can't/won't answer.
  14. But the Illuminati is conservative. "Read my lips, new world order".
  15. Yes, I remember reading that a note couldn't be played more than a couple of seconds. Sounds like a real shitty instrument. It was basically an old sampling machine.
  16. I made a post a while back (which, of course angered some for being too presumptuous) about how I thought John might have had a touch of Bi-polar depression, judging by his expression and mood in a lot of his photos. Then combine that with his drinking and rowdiness backstage and it kind of adds up. He always struck me as someone who probably had a great appreciation for percussion and being a drummer, but realized that what he was doing had turned into a circus act. Then there's the other side where he strolls out on the stage with an acoustic guitar or Jones' bass strapped on just to get laugh. I don't think it would be too uncommon for musicians, especially in over-glorified rock bands, to quickly become jaded and see the whole thing as a charade. Bonham strikes me as that type.
  17. I was being a little sarcastic, but didn't he often (especially in 75) have a lot of problems with the motor control not producing a note in key? I read somewhere that a mellotron wasn't meant to be constantly moved around and had to be constantly adjusted before each show, even then not having correct pitch.
  18. Name them. Edit: And link whatever substantial evidence they've presented to show the existence of chemtrails. Remember, we're not talking about the attempts that were made for cloud seeding. We're talking about commercial jetliners spraying chemicals on a large scale. Edit 2: And there are only these 77 because nobody with a hold on reality believe it's a thing anyway. These 77 did the tests for no other reason than to satisfy the theorists. But like the article says, any evidence presented to someone with confirmation bias will quickly be tossed aside as "an attempt to hide the truth".
  19. Mark my words, confirmation bias will be the death of civilization. Nobody wants to be proven wrong, even if they know they are wrong. Civil wars have started over such instances.
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