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Posts posted by RainbowElf

  1. 15 hours ago, JohnOsbourne said:

    The crisis at the border has nothing to do with China, that's entirely the fault of the American political class (and the globalist oligarchs they service).

    All these foreigners coming in no matter if they're Chinese or South American or whatever race they are coming into our country and taking American jobs, more so than before is this administrations fault, as soon as Biden got in, they hired a slew of Chinese, Indian and Pakistanis.

    Trump was America first and not giving visas to these people to take our jobs, jobs that pay well, I guarantee you I make more than a Chinese or Pakistani PhD working at my company, they hire these people to exploit them to no end, where an American PhD makes 6 figures or more.

    And they slave work them to death.

  2. 42 minutes ago, JohnOsbourne said:

    It is discrimination, but who's really to blame?  The Chinese, who are simply taking advantage of an economic offer in front of them (and who, to their credit, are not afflicted by the mental disorder known as liberalism), or the Western elites, who made the offer in the first place?  I think the answer is obvious, and you have misidentified the enemy here.  The Chinese did not sell out their own citizens like the Western oligarchs did.

    Well Trump was trying to stop that, and getting Americans hired first and first preference, but these communist bastards sold their own out, now they got border jumpers coming in to take our jobs.


    You people elected this communist administration, so now you are stuck with it.

    Not directed at you John Osborne.

  3. 26 minutes ago, JohnOsbourne said:

    They've crossed the line:

    COVID-19: Australian riot police fire rubber bullets at anti-lockdown protesters in Melbourne | World News | Sky News

    It wouldn't surprise me if it was agent provocateurs who "initiated" the bottle-throwing, this is a standard police tactic around the world to discredit protests.  Of course, if you can't leave the house, you can't protest things like war, so voila, no opposition to it, right?

    ‘Workers have no interest in war with China’: Australian trade unions slam nuclear submarine deal with US & UK — RT World News

    That’s the smartest thing the Australian govt. did is to request those nuclear submarines.


    Fucking Chinese are taking over the US, my company is 90 percent Chinese, the other 8 percent is Indian and 2 percent American. Tell me that’s not discrimination.

  4. 7 hours ago, Plant77 said:

    What is this picture of? What is it is in relationship too? Certainly looks like a cluster Fu&$ wherever it is. Are these Haitian refugees? And I’m curious, are we in darker times than we have been in before? Certainly waking up the day after 9/11 seemed really dark. Or for a certain group of people waking up after elections have not gone the way the way they wanted it to go. Those also seemed like dark times I would imagine. Waking up the morning after the 89 Lima Prieta Earthquake was pretty crazy. If I missed what this picture was about I apologize. Just not sure what it is a picture of?

    Looks like downtown Newark, by bridge street that goes into Harrison the neighboring town.

  5. On 9/15/2021 at 9:00 AM, Stryder1978 said:

    No problemmo!  I know everyone gushes over "The Sopranos", but I think the story lines really miss the mark.  Don't get me wrong - love the concept, GREAT acting and cast, scenery is spot on.....but they could have taken the story lines SO much farther.

    Examples: When Tony's shrink is raped, that whole story line went no where...it just "happened".  Imagine if she had told Tony (who was infatuated with her) what REALLY happened to her and not a car accident?  Especially if she told Tony she knew who the guy was! 

    They wasted 20 minutes of screen time on Meadow wanting to leave school to go to Europe....then she just changes her mind, and they go to a different story line!

    Same thing when Tony was going to send his son to military school.  Twenty minutes later...NAH, changed his mind and that story thread meant nothing

    Can't wait for The Many Saints Of Newark to come out, that's my hometown, the Mob ruled Downeck Newark, well possibly all of Newark.

  6. 5 hours ago, SteveAJones said:

    That is virtue signaling bullshit in my opinion. It could be a round of golf with friends is THE cornerstone of that person's social life. Yet he's being told to sequester himself for at least two weeks despite feeling absolutely fine with a virus that has an above 98% survival rate. Living comes with inherent risks, and risks are assumed every time we walk out the door. I'm sick and tired of people who insist we must all live like the Boy in the Bubble, or wear these goddamn masks that don't work regardless. It's all political theater. That golf group is at greater risk to die from Millennials updating Tick Tock pages while behind the wheel of a car than from COVID-19.      


    It’s all bullshit, scare tactics, keep the herd intact.

  7. Just an interesting thing considering vaccines, and I know this is just a tv show and one of my favorites, I know everyone here has heard of X-Files, I ask that you watch Season 3 episode number 24 titled "Talitha Cumi" and it's continuation that starts off season 4 episode 1 Herrenvolk, which focuses on the SEP, Smallpox Eradication Program, vaccine, it brings to mind the pushing of these covid vaccines on people.


    I know it's fiction, but please people just watch these two episodes for me, you can get them on Hulu, and tell me what you think, a lot of controversial topics in those two episodes such as cloning and the vaccines.


    The truth is out there, trust no one.


  8. I've been listening to nothing but Maiden for the last month, I started with No Prayer For The Dying and got up to Dance of Death, till Senjutsu arrived I then listened to that for two weeks straight nothing but Senjutsu, then I resumed Dance of Death and am now finishing up A Matter Of Life And Death, once I get to Book of Souls, I'll then resume my MAIDEN Marathon with the DiAnno albums till I finish it with Seventh Son Of A Seventh Son, and when that is said and done, I will finish my Maiden marathon with Senjustsu to see if I can develop a better appreciation of the album, it hasn't grown on me yet, but it has made me appreciate the post Virtual XI  albums a lot more.

    I've always loved the Blaze/Maiden albums when I bought them and gave them a chance two years ago, got blown away by them and have since grown to love No Prayer For The Dying and Fear Of The Dark, which I didn't care for when they were first released, but have since grown on me, and are great albums, now after listening to Senjutsu for two weeks and not getting into it as much, some songs are okay, but Senjutsu has given me a greater appreciation for the post Virtual XI albums, that I never cared for, I have a new love for these albums and appreciation for them because of Senjutsu, which to me for now is kind of boring, but with a couple of good songs that I do appreciate, The Writing On The Wall, Lost In A Lost World and the Parchment, for now those are the only songs slightly grabbing me.

  9. 7 hours ago, SteveAJones said:

    The overwhelming majority of American military personnel are vaccinated. 

    Afghanistan is a foreign policy disaster of epic proportions. A skeleton crew of 2,500 or so advisors and specialists was sufficient to keep a lid on the place and give the Afghan Army a fighting chance. However, when your President flees the country it's a prompt that you best shed your uniform and blend in with the non-combatants lest risking being killed for a doomed country. The Biden Admin was banking on Over The Horizon capabilities to maintain some semblance of order, but as we see that notion is now as dead on arrival as the seven children that were incinerated. I guarantee you that your sons and daughters will be sent back in there in less than 10 years.


    That's just it, they DON'T work as well as advertised. However, there's no money to be made going the HERD IMMUNITY route so the powers that be will continue this charade that vaccination is the only answer.

    We were there long enough to train them, they should’ve been able to fend off the Taliban, as for their President he’s always been our puppet, he fled he is a coward.

    As for the children being incinerated, why did that happen to them,? I hadn’t heard of that, not to sound cold now, but that’s their problem now, the Taliban is now their official government so they have to deal with it.

    Do they even have capabilities or facilities and personnel to make the vaccine, or were we giving them that too?

  10. 7 hours ago, JohnOsbourne said:

    We're getting too off topic here, but the US spends way too much on military and overseas adventures, we need to focus on our own problems at home.  There's a difference between recognizing the communist government of China as an enemy, and fomenting war with them in Asia.  What American national interest depends on the defense of Australia?  None that I can see, and you can repeat this question repeatedly (Ukraine, Syria, etc.).

    At any rate, the background of these maneuvers, like the scamdemic itself, is camouflaging a global fiat/financial collapse.  That's what connects it.  And governments can't effectively wage war without the population under some kind of domestic control (like a lockdown).

    I agree we need to focus more on our problems at home send the troops to the Mexican and Canadian borders.

  11. 1 hour ago, JohnOsbourne said:

    We're getting too off topic here, but the US spends way too much on military and overseas adventures, we need to focus on our own problems at home.  There's a difference between recognizing the communist government of China as an enemy, and fomenting war with them in Asia.  What American national interest depends on the defense of Australia?  None that I can see, and you can repeat this question repeatedly (Ukraine, Syria, etc.).

    At any rate, the background of these maneuvers, like the scamdemic itself, is camouflaging a global fiat/financial collapse.  That's what connects it.  And governments can't effectively wage war without the population under some kind of domestic control (like a lockdown).

    Because Australia are our Allies and China is our enemy. 

  12. 7 hours ago, JohnOsbourne said:

    This party's just getting started:

    More US Troops and Aircraft to Be Deployed to Australia - News From Antiwar.com

    Hope those troops are fully vaxxed!

    Australia are our allies, I see no problem in sending American troops over to Australia to enhance their military, and I also agree on the nuclear submarine deal too, it's also in our benefit to keep our eyes on China, after all they are our English speaking brothers as are New Zealand and Canada, I'm glad England is stepping up.

    As for the vaccine I'm sure Australia will have to deal with whatever the US says their Troops have to or don't have to take, it's a cause for the greater good of our country and English speaking Allies, here in America sometimes I feel like no one speaks English anymore.

    I'd rather our Troops be deployed to our brother countries than some desert dwelling country who'd rather see us dead in the first place, in that aspect I think Biden did the right thing, in withdrawing our troops from Afghanistan, we were there long enough they should be able to take care of themselves by now, instead of fleeing and running away.

    What happened to all the military training we gave them throughout those years? Israel made use of it, hell they have one of the best Air force in the world and their military can take care of themselves when they are threaten  by their Jewish hating neighbors who want to see them eradicated, they made use of our training, why not Afghanistan? 


  13. 9 hours ago, JohnOsbourne said:

    Private businesses should be completely free to decide who enters their premises, of course.  But in the current environment of media-driven mass hysteria, and the fact that most corporations at the top of the food chain (e.g. the banks) ARE effectively the government, it's quite a stretch to dismiss concerns over vaccine passports as interference in the decisions of private actors.

    CDC Libertarians Double Down on Their "Defense" of Property Rights - LRC Blog (lewrockwell.com)

    So we should give up our freedom of religion and choice? Those companies need to abide by those laws.

     I thought the Constitution was the Supreme law of the land?

  14. 12 hours ago, SteveAJones said:

    Joe Biden Cuts Shipments of Life-Saving COVID Treatment to Florida Without Notice Because He's Happy to Kill You to Make a Point

    Joe Biden Cuts Shipments of Life-Saving COVID Treatment to Florida Without Notice Because He's Happy to Kill You to Make a Point – RedState

    Those mentioned States are Trump country, especially Florida,that's why the punishment, then I'm criticized when I use the term Communist bastards, that goes for Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Schummer,  AOC, the whole lot of them Democratic communist pigs.

  15. 3 hours ago, zeppcollect said:

    "Communist bastards in power?" - Where do you live - Cuba, China, Venezuela where so-called communists arereigning? - I doubt this very much and suspect you're one of the holeheaded braindeads.
    2 millions already dead and I recommend, talk to somebody who lost his dearest, works in hospitals or suffers from long-covid like hundreds of athlets and artists. How stupid !!!

    In what use to be the good old US of A.

    We are not too far from those countries you mention and losing our freeedoms.

    You must be talking about sleepy Joe when you say holeheaded braindeads, I get it.

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