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custard pie man

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Posts posted by custard pie man

  1. On 1/11/2022 at 5:53 PM, Strider said:

    Should be some good games this weekend. Can the 49ers upset the Cowboys?

    Cowboys are like the Bills in one regard, the play of the qb, will Dallas get  good Dak or bad Dak, when he's on he can be incredible and make great decisions, zero turnovers, but when he's bad he can have cowboy fans scratching their heads for a week, Allen last night was more than good  he was outstanding, zero turnovers, made huge plays with his legs,  just fantastic but  this year and an years past he also can make plays or decisions that i'm sure have Bills fans scratching their heads to, anyways yes with 49ers ability to run and Daks ability to make  me pull my hair out there can be an upset, we'll see

  2. 52 minutes ago, JohnOsbourne said:

    The Djokovic saga continues:

    Australian Lawyers' Alliance weighs in on Novak Djokovic controversy (tennisworldusa.org)

    What's interesting is that they're not even trying to concoct some specious, bullshit "public health" rationale for barring him entry.  They're coming right out and saying that they're worried his opinions might influence Australian subjects to question the government's dictates.  In other words, that dissent as such is inherently criminal.

    people like Djkovic, Aaron Rodgers, even Clapton all need to be silenced which is why the media and gov't try to  shun them and make  their lives a living hell, we can't have everyday people questioning big gov't or dr. Fraudcci,  mid summer is when I first heard of  " THE NEW WORLD ORDER"

  3. 1 hour ago, JohnOsbourne said:

    There were mass protests in France yesterday against vaccine mandates, of course completely ignored by the MSM.  This was particularly heartening:

    I thought Antifa was supposed to be anti-capitalist/anti-big business?  Interesting...

    they hide behind social justice  when in fact they are after the money, Soros pays them very well in an effort to rid us of police , rule of law, making the take over that much easier, where they are promised riches for eternity

  4. 16 hours ago, SteveAJones said:

    Must see.


    anyone who doesn't believe that democratic governors helped kill elderly patients by putting positive covid patients in long term care units should watch this video to be enlightened on just how mosterous the left are, distribution of life saving drugs or therapeutics based solely on your skin color is scary shit , yet its going on everyday, whites are thrown to the back of the line , does anyone want to wager this equity based rational doesn't apply to the folks in washington dc? the only show I watch on woke fox anymore starts with Tucker, Hannity, can't stomach them until 8pm

  5. 17 hours ago, SteveAJones said:



    so just watched and was laughing so hard my wife walks in, watched it with me, she has no idea I joined last week, showed her some post and she read some of ours going back and forth and she said to me  "apparently you have a twin in tokyo" lmao, she also said she hopes the nazis won't knock on our door and take me away

  6. 26 minutes ago, SteveAJones said:

    Nearly 4-in-10 Illegal Aliens Refusing Coronavirus Vaccine  as  Americans Hit with Mandates

    Nearly 4-in-10 Illegal Aliens Refuse Vax as Americans Face Mandates (breitbart.com)

    sobering, what is even more mind blowing is how many aren't even  accounted for? so 4 out of 10 refuse vax mandates but 10 of 10 will gladly take all the tax payer money team Biden will take from us and give them, ya know after 60 years of doing everything right to the best of my abilities I think i'll travel down to southern border, spray paint my face, wear a Biden tee shirt, fly to wherever they fly me, and wait for my money, 6 months, I can do that

  7. 53 minutes ago, hummingbird69 said:

    It isn't unconstitutional for an employer to tell employees what they need to do to come to work so I can see how they fell off on the hospitals. it is unconstitutional for the gov to mandate without law. The constitution does not extend to the private sector  in that way.

    It does not make sense to fire those people though, especially when you're complaining about a pandemic.

    what I've gotten is  because the federal gov't gives the monies for hospitals/ patients for medicare and medicaid the  justices thought  this was a slippery slope that they would go down, but where will that stop? Education, municipalities, etc all get funds and lets not forget the unions who's balls are connected to the left, really wish Kavanaugh didn't join liberals on that one  but perhaps he was giving them a small victory  so they can't scream bloddy murder  for packing the courts

  8. On 7/11/2021 at 10:45 PM, Sam McClain said:

    Mike Damone's special Five-Point Plan, 

    From the movie "Fast Times at Ridgemont High:

    1. You never let on how much you like a girl: "Oh Debbie, HI"
    2. You always call the shots.
    3. Act like where ever you are is the place to be.
    4. When ever ordering food, find out what the lady wants. Then you order for her.
    5. This one is the most important: When it comes down to making out, when ever possible, put on side one of Led Zeppelin IV!


    and then in the car they played physical graffiti lol

  9. 3 hours ago, SteveAJones said:

    Two possibilities. One, they think those Covid test results are valid and accepted everywhere. Two, as with the masks in 2020 they are being bought up in bulk and then resold where the demand has exceeded supply in other areas and overseas (profiteering).


    They'll be desperate to pack the SCOTUS now.


    Just as the government cannot buy back what they did not sell and is not for sale, a compulsory Covid contribution is not a contribution. This is Bill Clinton-esque double speak -- it's not a tax, or a tax hike, it's "an investment".

    team Biden  had the worst day i've seen in a very long time, as far as  desperate to pack the courts, I wonder if this is why Cavanaugh went with the 4 liberals on the health care mandate, sort of throwing  a carrot to Biden on a much lesser mandate than the  private employer one (80m people vs about 8m) ? just a thought

  10. 8 hours ago, LedZeppfan1977 said:

    Dont worry, we will take out Billy boy and his rookie Mac.  The Bills destroyed the in Foxboro.  We will beat them.  Our defense is going to have the rookie under siege.  Josh Allen will get the job done.  He has all of his receivers ready.  Diggs, Knox, Davis, McKenzie, Sanders, and Singletary is playing lights out. Josh can run and throw s you know.  The big game will be the showdown in KC.  The team I feared the most in the AFC was Indy and they are out.  I am picking a Bills vs Rams or Packers Super bowl.  But my money is down on Bills vs Rams

    your qb Allen scares the hell out of me, every playoff he does something that kills his team, he needs to learn to make better decisions and he still shows sometimes he can't, if he matures then Bills can go far

  11. 10 hours ago, JohnOsbourne said:

    Straight from the horse's mouth:

    So, after all the drama, threats of job loss, ostracization, etc., this guy's telling us the vaccines don't work against the latest "variant".  (Bit surprised he's not been blocked by Twitter.)  But never fear:  in March (i.e. when flu season is over), there WILL be a new vaccine ready against "omicron".  And then of course when that fails to work against the variant du jour, well, they'll get another vaccine ready for you.  Rinse and repeat.

    It's just mind-boggling that so many people are stupid enough to be falling for all of this.


    I lost some friends when I argued at a party that vaccinating  children and making them wear masks was plain stupid and  full of abuse, these retired teachers told me  that anyone  who doesn't vax and  make kids wear masks simply don't love their kids, knew these people for 30 years, as we got up to leave my wife said it was one of the dumbest and hurtful statements she's ever heard and I said you two if you were with reverand Jim Jones years back, when standing in line to drink the wine and saw everyone drop dead would still wait your turn and drink the kool aid, in other words, can't fix stupid

  12. 1 hour ago, hummingbird69 said:

    We all know the mandates are unconstitutional too bad joe had to have the supreme court tell him so.  6 to 3???  the decision should have been unanimous.

    yeah but 5-4 in favor of the health care mandates with  liberal Roberts and Kavanaugh siding with the 3 wackos, so we have a huge shortage of hospital workers and now it gets worse, Bret K. was a surprise, didn't think he would rule that way

  13. so the supreme court just shoved it deep and hard to Biden and the liberal socialist by voting 6-3 against his vaccine mandate for large employers and osha taking precedent! would copy breaking news but  simply don't have the talent or knowledge as how to do, however this guy is grabbing a beer

  14. On 12/29/2021 at 12:00 AM, SteveAJones said:

    If NYC has not become the shit hole of America it's got to be a close second. Where have you gone Charles Bronson?


    having traveled via train couple weeks back from new haven and into grand central to watch Army/ Navy game on saturday and Saints/ Jets on sunday I can assure you it is indeed the shit hole of  america, remember a Plant quote from the 70's which could be applied here" it's  not that  we know were #1 but that were so far ahead of whoever is #2"

  15. 27 minutes ago, Stryder1978 said:

    Covid loses '90pc of its infectiousness within five minutes of being airborne'


    Coronavirus loses 90 per cent of its infectiousness within five minutes of becoming airborne, a new study has suggested.

    Preliminary data from the University of Bristol reveals that in a real world situation the conditions of the air dry out the viral particles.

    The team measured how stable SARS-CoV-2 droplets – the virus which causes Covid – are over time, ranging from five seconds to 20 minutes.


    “A decrease in infectivity to approximately 10 per cent of the starting value was observable for SARS-CoV-2 over 20 minutes, with a large proportion of the loss occurring within the first 5 minutes after aerosolisation,” the scientists write in the paper.

    The findings indicate that the virus does not survive for long outside the warm and damp environment of a host's respiratory system, and loses its potency rapidly in the wild.

    'Near instant loss of infectivity in 50 to 60pc of the virus'

    The study, which has not yet been published in full or peer-reviewed, shows that in air with 50 per cent humidity, akin to that circulated in large buildings, there is a “near-instant loss of infectivity in 50 to 60 per cent of the virus”.

    At much higher humidity, the droplet does not dry out instantly and remains fluid for longer, which means the virus remains stable and infectious for two minutes.

    However, even under these favourable conditions the virus loses 90 per cent of its infectiousness after ten minutes.

    “It means that if I’m meeting friends for lunch in a pub today, the primary [risk] is likely to be me transmitting it to my friends, or my friends transmitting it to me, rather than it being transmitted from someone on the other side of the room,” Prof Jonathan Reid, the study’s lead author from the University of Bristol, told The Guardian.

    Prof Paul Hunter, professor in medicine at the University of East Anglia, said that the study suggests airborne spread “may not be as important as some have thought”.

    Attention senator Rand Paul feel free to use this study next time you sqare off with the little man

  16. 10 minutes ago, Stryder1978 said:

    Can someone please explain the obsession people have over getting and taking the Covid tests?

    I mean people are cleaning off store shelves or waiting in line for 3-4 hours to get one.  WHY?

    The university I work at REQUIRED us to get the booster before the semester starts next week.  They also require us to get tested before the semester starts - and an "at-home" test would not fulfill this requirement.  So Tuesday, I had made an appointment with the clinic here on campus for a 0900 hour test.  When I tested overseas, I waited around 15 minutes and got my results back.  But here in the good ol' USA, they told me they would send the results via e-mail.  So, I went back to the office and checked - notta.  I checked again Tues afternoon - notta.  First thing Wed morning when I got into work - notta.  Finally last night (Wed) at 1637 hours, I got he e-mail saying my test was negative and "no further action was required".

    SOOOOO...what about that 36 hour period between when I submitted the sample to when I got the results back?  While working on campus, how many people did I come into contact with that may have had the virus and passed it on to me through their ill-fitting mask (if they were even wearing one) during that 36 hour period?.  What if I was positive and, during the course of my regular work duties, passed that virus along to everyone I was in contact with those 36 hours?

    Those tests are merely a snapshot in time......you could get the virus as you pass the people walking out of the testing clinic!

    This whole process is a joke and it's time we told the CDC, Fauxci and the rest of the lemming officials to shove their polices.....       

    exactly, believe it was Steve who posted if all the peaceful protesters  (lmao) of BLM and Antifa marched and destroyed campuses because of these useless mandates and or policies then  the woke would get woken up for good and these useless mandates would go away, hit em in the wallet! I personally haven't purchased anything related to coca cola for that reason. The thought that the left is making employers to fire employees for refusing to get the vaccine which doesn't work and also doesn't stop the vaccinated from spreading the virus is utterly  senseless to all who have common sense, thus the only explanation is world power and domination, people are fed up, the election will be a landslide for republicans which is why the left is ramping up their false rhetoric on voter suppression, its their only chance to stay in power

  17. 11 hours ago, JohnOsbourne said:

    the new world order, scary shit and quite sobering, how long before Faucci and pals what with the new white house domestic terrorist task force make the same move on our guns, our right to bear arms? not the usual the left tries but waiting for the ultimate mandate as media will use the same talking points daily" domestic terrorist are the biggest threat facing this nation", seems like Hitler 2 is coming to a theater near you

  18. 22 hours ago, JohnOsbourne said:

    thank you, wonder if they have the percentage of people who drop dead watching the evening news, see the blatant lies, jump up to grab a beer and drop, has to be  more than this covid bs, haven't heard my doctor tell me to get a flu shot in 2 years either, how come cnn, msnbc, abc, cbs, abc news would never dream of showing this graph? I think we know

  19. 3 hours ago, SteveAJones said:

    I haven't elaborated on that and likely never will. I generally avoid discussing myself, rather I prefer to focus on presenting my views in the arena of ideas. Suffice to say sometimes one has to simply divest and vote with their feet. I did do a lot to get The Donald elected to end the corrupt Bush/Clinton political dynasties as I have retained that right. I've heard good things about Montana and Idaho. In fact, I've been keeping a close watch on news related to The Greater Idaho proposal. The US isn't too big to fail, it's too big to fix especially with this catastrophic pursuit of Build Back Broke. There's some interesting studies out there that show what the US will look like after it inevitably collapses and transitions into what will essentially become red state/blue state regional compacts. At one time I had high hopes for Texas but they are well on their way to getting overrun with an influx of U-haul trailers with blue state license plates. Being the first stop on the Illegal Alien Express doesn't help. You won't recognize the place in 2050.

    Here's America's mainstream media members to close out this segment of the show. 


    lmao, while watching I pictured in my mind zeppelin playing when the levee breaks just as a tidal wave blows all these proud boys out to sea

  20. 2 hours ago, cryingbluerain said:

    WHO waving the white flag on boosters.  These clowns are finally waking up to the fact that we cannot vax our way out of this mess. 


    Tell that to the fools living in places like Germany though who want compulsory vaccinations.


    that is the same  WHO that said China was very transparent in disclosing the China virus to the world, no wonder Trump showed them the door, I think they realize Biden, Faucci, and the cdc and our dear socialist democrats are starting to dig themselves a hole so deep they may never get out, the links on the chain is starting to break

  21. 5 minutes ago, BobDobbs said:

    Though I thoroughly enjoyed the 95' tour, I too preferred the stripped down, 98' shows by a country mile. Two main reasons: Plant's voice was much stronger than in 95' and he sounded much better overall. Second, Page played as a man possessed. I have said this before but IMO Page hit a peak he had not seen since Euro 73' in 98'. He may not have been quite as fast (pretty close though), but his phrasing and articulation were out of this world as were his improvisations. The band jelled very well and the energy was simply palpable. 

    I would agree, hope you saw him also with the crowes, saw him at worcester centrum, last show of the first tour where  Joe Perry and Whitford joined in for few songs and again when they came back around with the who, Page I thought was playing as well as I ever saw him, to bad he called it a day

  22. 2 hours ago, SteveZ98 said:

    They only played Hartford the one time. They dropped the orchestras for the '98 tour but didn't play Hartford. The closest they got was NYC and Albany in NY and Boston and Mansfield Mass.

    ok, perhaps the orchestra was much smaller, 98 my wife and I traveled to  n.y. for their show in garden, I do remember it was a week nite, my mom watched the 3 kids and we got home around 3am

  23. 1 hour ago, SteveZ98 said:

    I was also at the Hartford Page/Plant show. It took place on 10/21/1995 and they had the Egyptian orchestra and members of the Hartford Symphony Orchestra performing with them. You can see some of those extra players in the wide shots in the video of Black Dog below, which is from the show. Regardless, it was a great show and Jimmy was definitely in fine form.


    ok now my brain is searching for answers, I would of sworn that when I saw them it was just a 4 piece, wonder if they hit Hartford early then  came around a second time?

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