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custard pie man

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Posts posted by custard pie man

  1. 2 hours ago, hummingbird69 said:

    A large part of the problem is that most everyday people cannot buck the system without losing their livelihood. My friend is now being told he must wear a mask at work. I said " If everybody got together and said no more then this would all stop" He said "are you crazy I have a mortgage to pay there's no way I could do that"   He had covid way back when it started he has been fine since, now, his family all have moronicron and some are vaxed and some are not but none of them were together when they got covid so how did the vaxed get it??

    As far as I am concerned losing your way to pay your bills and feed your family because you aren't vaxed or won't wear a mask is extortion plain and simple.  Extortion = I try and force you to do something that you don't want to do and when you don't I either make you pay or in this case take your pay away. seems like extortion to me.

    The other night a teenager playing hockey with his high school team was killed during the game when he was cut in the neck by a skate when he fell on the ice and another player could not stop in time. 

    If this doesn't put the virus in context for people then nothing will. people are dying everyday from one thing or another but we seem to have forgotten this.

    Death can come from anywhere at any time but we should stop everything for covid because some people will die.

    Death is part of life.

     mandates, fear mongering,  being guilted into conforming or else is all part of the plan to take away our freedoms, what is worse than the scenario of your friend having to choose vaccine or job is when the democrats try to get you dependent on the gov't through "free health care" unlimited unemployment, free college or rent, etc... their goal is to tear apart at our freedoms, regulate us to death and if that doesn't work, then tax us to death, god , november can't come soon enough 

  2. can you imagine giving DC  2 more senators or letting Biden expand the courts so we have 9 more Sotomayors running around, god help us all, and like clock work now we have the flu rona coming to a city near you, as for vaccines well I had 2 pfizer shots because my doctor and hematologist strongly encouraged me after having blood clots, I will not get a booster  and wish I didn't vaccinate, nothing seems to make sense and I and probably most of you are tired of the bull shit

  3. 20 hours ago, Plant77 said:


    so that in itself  isn't a path to communism but using  covid to federalize voting and put it in the hands of the democrats is! Faucci lied on stand when questioned by Rand Paul, he gave money to wuhan lab to create this virus, he lied and after his testimony which left media ignored  they changed the deffinition of gain of function, furthermore there is no and has'nt been a case of voter suppression not since the democrats tried to block blacks and women from voting, that's right, the democrats fought to limit access and rights, to suppress all people from voting. One party wishes to do away with voter id, guess who? democrats! why, well its the only way to steal elections, after all  you need i.d. to get on planes, get a drivers license,  housing, utilities, social security, welfare, gun ownership, etc... never mentioned satanic anything, just stating truths about how our constitution was run over by govenors and secretaries of state, by allowing a created  covid virus to illegally change voting laws, when in fact only the states legislators have the power to do so, 2 of my 3 kids got omicron or the cold right before xmas so we postponed it until new years, funny thing my son, unvaccinated who all 3 went to cowboys , giants game was negative, the only unvaccinated one, cdc and Faucci have no credibility anymore, have been wrong a hell of a lot more than right, but they and democrats with the help of left wing media will keep this going, ignoring the science and try to stael the midterms in 2022, but at what costs, how much harm will come to all of us? our children? I for one are done with this sham, will not wear a mask,  our future depends on our ability to think freely, to know whats best for ourselves and have the freedom to make those decisions, but its being taken from us by the democrats, media and big tech. which is why I previously said were on a path to communism

  4. Steve nailed it, covid was waiting in the wings with Faucci and his gain of function, sole purpose was to  get rid of Trump, shut down world economy, employ unconstitutional voting procedures, delay  and extend voting in 5 swing states, and ultimate goal is not let covid  die but keep it alive, teacher unions refuse to teach, inflation will be as bad as when Carter was in, now democrats , with help of  the far left media want to do away with the fillibuster so  congress can control the vote, Biden and his cronies want us  to blow past socialism and  with warp speed enter communism, wake up folks before were China

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