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Del Zeppnile

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Posts posted by Del Zeppnile

  1. chucky, chucky CHUCKY BABY!

    Yeah, tough crowd, tough crowd. Man on man oooooooo humina humina brrrr, cold too.

    One heckler claimed I was his mamma, I was about "In the bag," anyways. And the fucking Stacey twins were swapping bags and on with the tomatoes just prior to me. The super glue plot they devised came off as planned and my boogers still smell like The Daytona 500 on warm days.

    Good thing...

    for you and Nurse Ratchett being there with the ink pen huh? I was turning blue.

    Thank you Del :wave: Good thing the K.Y. Jelly didn't leak instead of the glue eh?


    I don't use KY, I just slobber a lot first and then move it around in ever increasing circles until all bases are covered.

    I learned that trick from Hindu Priest


    What's the difference between a tangerine and a lemon?


    I don't know, what's the differnce?

  2. Why does The Unknown Comic wear a bag over his head?

    Hey I think I saw your act someplace else, but you had a plastic bag on your head instead.

    Yeah, I think it was in New Jersey.

  3. Q:How many liberals does it take to change a light bulb?

    A:None. Liberals wouldn’t actually change the light bulb, but they would show compassion for it by talking a lot about how terrible it is in the dark, and more funding is needed to improve dim 60 watt bulbs up to bright and productive 100 watt bulbs.

    Q: What is the difference between a liberal and a puppy?

    A: A puppy stops whining after it grows up.

    Q: What's the difference between God and Al Gore?

    A: God knows He's not Al Gore.

  4. Yeah, i was talking about the waves in particular. When you are going out farther into the ocean and the waves crash upon you or you dive under them, that salt water taste always was strong for me. Then again, i'm not particularly fond of salty foods, either. The taste of chlorine if it's strong, in a swimming pool, isn't so great either. I don't let the water keep me out, lol. As long as there isn't a recent shark attack or visibly bad conditions i will swim almost anywhere if i'm prepared (suit on or change of clothes). My favorite place to swim is in calm waters. The Gulf of Mexico when i was at Sanibel Island was ideal. The Pacific in Mexico was rough with a strong undertoe...gorgeous beaches, dangerous ocean.

    And since the Mexicans pretty much just dump their raw sewage right into the ocean, maybe that "strong water taste" was more than just salt?

    Probably the lime, the worm and a few big brown burritos too for sure.


  5. Early this morning maybe around 1AM Jim Ladd on in Los Angeles (KLOS 95.5) played Up The Neck by The Pretenders while I was driving home from work.

    I probably hadn't heard that song in 20 years and it took me back.

  6. LOL

    Most of my crushes from 16 ended up turning out to be L-O-S-E-R-S! I'm soo glad that I didn't end up with most of them. :lol:

    But good for you--that must have felt great!

    Gee Manders, why not rain on the poor girl's parade?


    What's your problem, somebody run over your porn collection?


  7. I was happy that I missed all the terrible comments being made in my 'cliques thread' today.

    I really hate it when people just can't play nice.

    But I sold my 14 year old jet ski and trailer for a thousand bucks, and now I don't have to keep tripping around on it in my garage.



    Looked to me like something was wrong with Big Brown... he had nothing coming off the 3/4. I believe that was the worst finish for any horse that won the first two triple crown races... too bad.

  9. There's enough money in this game that there should be a law against racing horses younger than four years old, far as I'm concerned. Make fun of PETA if you must, but these fantastic animals don't deserve to be exploited literally to death as Eight Belles was.


    Well, my biggest problem with the sport is just that the age seems to be a bit too young for the bone development. Eight Belles stood something like 17 hands, she was a big horse. And even if most of the injuries happen long before a day like this one... and are more commonly ligament related. It still causes me to stop a wonder about the bone development.

    Did anybody hear what actually happened? Was it a mis-step after the finish, or something else? I saw Big Brown spook just after he turned around. But I never saw Eight Belles go down.

    In regards to PETA, I have heard them make some good points on many aspects of this sport and others. But since they are such a radical fringe in my opinion, most of their arguements end up falling onto deaf ears. They can bring up issues about the training in this sport, and the rules that allow for such young horses to race. But when some of their members go out and throw red paint on people wearing fur, or stand outside a McDonalds shouting "meat is murder" as moms and kids are arriving to have a 'Happy Meal'... they lose all credibilty. I don't know if you said you are a member of that group or not. But they would need to fix their organization before they stand much of a chance of convincing change in other areas of our culture. IMO.

  10. A few weeks ago we had to put down our 29 year old retired racing Quarter Horse. Some folks would've sold her at auction a few years ago, but we wouldn't... she'd been a good broodmare for us, and deserved to have a decent retirement. It was a rough event though. She had a lot of heart and "there wasn't any quit in her"... so she was almost literally dead on her feet after the sedation but she wouldn't go down, and her trying to stay on her feet made it difficult to get the actual euthanasia drugs in her. It was all reflex and instinct at that deep level... I don't think she was really even concious, but it was hard... real hard. I was in tears, the vet tech nearly was, and the vet was upset... said it was the toughest one he'd ever done. Despite that, it was still the right thing to do, no doubt about it.

    Sorry to hear about that Lakey. I've seen several horses put down over the years, and it has always been a very emotional experience for the people involved. I know I am going to need to be with my friend when she has her horse put down. We even need to trailer the horse to another stable just to avoid some of the "politics" involved, as unfortunate as that sounds. A lot of people are against my friend euthanizing this horse, even though her condition is not going to improve, the lameness is just getting worse.

    I have a lot of respect for people who take proper care ot the animals they have chosen to be responsible for. And I have an equal amount of respect for owners who make the right decision to end it when the time is correct. There is never a need to allow an animal to linger on in pain and misery, or be pawned off rather than deal with the situation.

  11. I was told a year ago, alot more horses are breaking down because the arabs will fix genitic mistakes with plastic surgery and when the horse go to fuck, that gene is carried on without the owner knowing.

    Yeah, I can hear PETA having a hayday as a result of todays injury at the Derby. Although I suppose these types of injuries are to be expected when an animal of this young age is made to compete at this level. So much muscle mass and speed on bones that are not fully developed.

    But that being said, anyone who allows a Thoroughbred to be bred knowing of a problem is a piece of shit. Right now a friend of mine is just about to have her horse put down due to scale four lameness. She had tried over the last two years to rehabilitate the horse to at least be sound enough to trail ride. However, unfortunatly the horse is only getting worse. But the sick thing is; you would be shocked at how many breeders want my friend to "donate" her horse to them for breeding anyway. So damn irresponsible and greedy of some breeders.

  12. Here is a REAL caution sign that we here in California and the southwest see alot of. This sign is not a joke and is an actual highway warning sign posted in areas where illeagal immigrants are often hit by cars while running across the roads.


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