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Everything posted by Bonham

  1. Oh, my. I must have skipped this... That sounds more like a private mud wrestling match, think you can handle it, Rabia?
  2. I need more of a challenge than just two ladies. I'll be waiting inthe mudpit for you... Edit: Oh, a new challenger? This town won't be big enough for all of you and me.
  3. Well, I was thinking just how much fun it would be to take on all the lovely ladies here in a MUD WRESTLING match, me and against all of you. And spatsiade? Not even google can find that word!!
  4. Good. I'll see you here Tuesday. You wish!
  5. By all means, beautiful! When you get here of course.
  6. Sorry to have to put it to you, Rich... but you look more Jamie Cullum-esque. Oh, and if you've booked flights already, then I'll just spend this money on booze instead of tickets.
  7. I'm trying to post a video I just made with me talking on YouTube, and it won't accept the file format because it's wma, what can I do to change it or sort it?
  8. My cheesiness was only temporary, and if I had a pound for every English girl I've had, I'd have 10 pounds tat I could put on the Lottery and win (I hope) so I can go and meet all of these exotic foreign girls! Oh god that's a plan, isn't it! Oh, and yea, didn't get the violence thing... Edit: I love that part of the movie, so excellent! :lol:
  9. Neither, I imagine. Which is good, cause why would you wanna sound like someone else? But Richard has failed to gain that point seeing as two girls from here have already heard my accent and desired more. /me feels cheesy.
  10. We have more than one accent, if you don't mind. Mine's something more like Jimmy's accent, whereas Richard the 1st here has a northen accent, probably. Being from Leeds and all. I couldn't listen to a Birmingham accent all day though... Not a thick one. Gets on me tits.
  11. Richard has a whole thread dedicated to him, let me have my moment. And victor or not, you took a swift pounding. Verbally and arguably speaking. English guys have a swagger, even paint and being asshoes, you'd still love us. :P PS: Back at ya!
  12. That's what they all say until the arrow is fired.
  13. You only wish, miss Marine. Unfortunately, I'm still only a young and viril red-blooded male, and I have a while to go yet.
  14. And what makes you think I'd want your advice, herb researcher?
  15. Just my dad's left over genes. ... but thanks!
  16. I thought I was the board's Bonham?
  17. Here's a new'n. And excuse the china dolls, they're my late nan's, PS: Good looking, Wolfman.
  18. He wasn't degrading skinny girls. But I'm sure the beauty magazines women read daily do enough degrading anyway.
  19. Well,in that pic, he has the same shaped head, hair, and pretty much the eyes and nose. >.>
  20. You would disagree. Look at him!! It looks just like him!!
  21. The guy on the far right looks like the Alice in Chains guitarist, umm.. can't remember his name. :S
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