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Posts posted by Ady

  1. I guess I will defer and yield to Anjin-san. That means that Me and Strider were both incorrect in assuming that that was Anthony Daniels, aka, C-3PO. I will have to say that I do not know what David Prowse really looks like. But to me, the person that I thought was C-3PO, actually looks like a human version of C-3PO. His glasses look like the big eyes that 3PO has.

    Are the people that say that that is David Prowse standing next to Harrison Ford absolutely Positive that that is Darth Vader? For that matter is that little dude really R2-D2. He could be Jabba the Hut for all (I thought I know/knew)?

    Definitely David Prowse. He was in A Clockwork Orange.


  2. Hmm have'nt got to that yet. I've worked my way through the season 1 to 5 DVD box sets over the last few weeks. Then my son tells me he has Netflix and that I could have saved my self 50+ quid. So anyway yesterday I watched the first two episodes of season five part two. What a dilema Hank is in, can't wait to see how that pans out....episode three for me later tonight.

    I'm glad I didn't give too much away then! :)

  3. :birthday:

    Birthday greetings and well wishes to long-time member, Ady! Happy Birthday from across the pond and many happy returns of the day. Celebrate accordingly.


    On behalf of the transdimensional high command:

    Psychedelic birthday to you, Ady!

    Happy Birthday Ady!


    hope you have a great day, ady ♥

    Ha, a belated thanks to you all! :)

    Happy Birthday to Robert Plant and Hawkwind's Dave Brock who is 72 today!



    I think that there will be a few more killings on the part of Walter and on the part of His enemies (against Walter), whoever they may be. Although I obviously do not know, I think that Lydia is a person that Walter would like to "eliminate".

    Lydia said that there are a lot of moving parts and that Walter was putting her "in a box". I think that Lydia has some powerful connections through her job. She is a straight up uptight woman, however, she also seems to be a very calculated businesswoman. I think that she brings things to a very bad outcome and is paid with it with her life.

    Obviously, something major happens to the White "domicile". The opening scene was a flash forward to whatever "bad" things are to come.

    And remember that the tag line for this final season is, "All Bad Things Must Come to an End"....

    Yes, I thought of Lydia after posting. She seems to have 9 lives though!

    I loved the confrontation between Hank and Walter in episode 9! I will definitely be viewing that again before next week's episode.

    Well, how about this, Ady: What if Walter's actions lead to his family getting killed? Skyler, Junior, Holly...all dead. Since the supposed reason for Walter getting into the drug business to begin with was to provide for his family after his death from cancer, how painful and deserving would it be that Walter sees his plans all go up in smoke...or in a sea of blood.

    In fact, that's probably the only way Walter could be alive at the end of the show...if his family dies instead and Walter lives to suffer the agony that his actions caused.

    Yep, could happen. It has been noticed though that Walter takes on some traits of the people he has killed, like cutting the crusts off his sandwiches (Crazy 8). He's also driving a Volvo (Gus Fring) in the flash forward scene at the start of season 5 and having his drink on the rocks (Mike) instead of neat. Again, in the flash forward scene at the start of season 5, Walter tears his bacon up and arranges into his age just like Skyler did in the pilot episode. He's also using her maiden name in that scene.

  5. I can't wait for the blu-ray release, so, I've subscribed to Netflix just for the final 8 episodes of Breaking Bad. They will be available to view in the UK the day after transmission in the US.

  6. I would have to assume that since you now have seen season 4, you have not seen any episodes of "Breaking Bad" season 5, part 1?

    As I am sure you are already aware of, season 5 is/has been split into two (seasons). The first 8 episodes have already been on AMC.

    The new tag line from AMC of the last and final 8 episodes that are to begin on Sunday, August 11, 2013 (27 days from now) is:

    "All Bad Things Must Come to an End"...

    If you are all caught up to and including the first 8 episodes of season 5 (and I hope you are), WE are all in for a very wild and unexpected ride of twists and turns that may or may not have outcomes that WE could never expect or realize. It is going to be a very exciting and surprising conclusion to one of the Greatest Shows in Television History.

    I've seen the first 5 episodes of season 5. I bought the blu-ray a couple of weeks ago and I'm about to start watching the other three episodes shortly.

    It's not showing on TV here at the moment which I find unbelievable. The only way to see it without downloading it is through Netflix which I don't have (I've got LoveFilm) or to buy the DVDs/blu-rays.

    The first 2 seasons were shown on a channel called 5USA a couple of years ago, but due to late time slots and and not good enough promotion the viewing figures were low and they didn't bother with season 3. I just know that if it was shown on a decent channel in a better time slot with good promtion it would be a huge hit over here!

    I only heard about it through word of mouth on the internet, so I decided to buy the first season on DVD and see what all the fuss was about. Glad I did!

    I hope it's not too long before the final 8 episodes get released on blu-ray.

  7. ^Yeah, he also played Nick Nolte's partner at the beginning of "48 Hours".

    Here's an even earlier role from 1974, he appears just after one minute.

    I'm almost caught up with "Breaking Bad" now, just 3 episodes to go. Season 4 was incredible!

  8. I'm not reading any of this thread as I'm not up to date with it. I've got the first three seasons on DVD and have watched those. I've ordered season 4 on blu-ray which is released tomorrow.

  9. We watched 'The King Of Comedy' with Robert DeNiro and Jerry Lewis last night. Hadn't seen it since the 80's and it's pretty hilarious, especially where they can't remember DeNiro's name 'Pupkin'. They call him 'Pipkin', Pufkin' and 'Pumpkin'. :lol:

    That's one that I want to see again, too! I haven't seen it since the 90's and recently saw "Mean Streets" and "Goodfellas" again for the first time since then.

    Hey TypeO, this too is one of my all time favorite movies and I agree, Brad Pitt is fantastic!

    The other character I got a kick out of was Brick Top (Played by Alan Ford). He has that soliloquy about getting rid of bodies by using pigs..."Beware of the man who owns pigs".......This movie came out in 2000 and then a couple of years later we had the Robert Pickton (pig farmer) serial murder case in the Vancouver BC area. Creepy.

    Alan Ford is amazing! Check him out here, funny stuff!

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