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Posts posted by Absolutentonic

  1. What about it, Joel? I'm not dissin' icantquityoubabe-overthehillsandouttolunch-AbsoluteHillaryFanatic-LooseCannonClintonista for being banned again and again and again or for coming back again and again and again; I merely congratulated him for (somehow) (miraculously) (the mods must be on vacation) managing to go 100 posts without being banned.. this time. :blink::P

    And fwiw.. I readily acknowledge my from-exile-identity as "MrBurningSpear".

    There was a revolution afoot, for kryst's sake; revolutionary action was called for! ^_^

    And btw.. if I was that "Tony" dude, I'd cop to it. I'm not though. I know nothing of him other than that a few people around here seem to think I'm him. I'll tell you what though,.. it sure is fun playing it up to the conspiracy theorists! Heck, I'd even go so far as to say..

    It's Grrrrrreat!



    Yeah,..most of us are Zep fiends.

    ..and some are just plain fiendish. <_<

    getting back on topic:

    Go Obama!! :cheer:

    Please call me by my full name: IcantquityoubabeLedZeppIVOverthehillsandfarawayAbsolutentonic. thank you!!!!!! :o:o

  2. His final words (to the croud) were "And now it's on to Chicago and let's win there". Chicago was the location of the '68 convention.

    I know more about this man than 90% of the people my age.

    Well I remember standing outside of the church with my nun teacher, I was 10 years old and praying for him to survive. Of course he didnt, sadly. I still thought it was San Fran, but since we are on the topic, CNN a couople of weeks ago said Siron Siron could not have fired the fatal shots as he wasnt ever in back of RFK. This means the real killer was never caught. They insinuated that they knew who he was but it sounds likd he is no longer alive. do you have an opinion on this?

  3. Where you're going is.. nowhere, bud. :rolleyes:

    ..unless you board the O-Train! :cheer:

    Leme walk you through your dilemma, bud

    and help you arrive safely at the other side.

    1. Hillary is done; Obama is our nominee.


    2. Obama will not lose to McCain. Trust me, over the next 5 months John McCain is going to be exposed for the bumbling pandering principle-less buffoon that he is. His war hero status will not be enough to carry him, and he's not even the "maverick" he was once admired for being. He's a joke of a candidate; he's an embarrassment; he's an old fart whose time has past. Democrats, moderate republicans, and independents will vote for Obama. Hard core republicans (who are disaffected and who can barely stomach John "amnesty for illegal aliens" McCain) will stay home on election day.


    3. Obama has weathered the Rev Wright storm; the results in Indiana and NC show that he wasn't significantly hurt by it (among democratic voters). Sure, the repubs will try to revive it as an issue in the general election, but alas.. John McCain has his own pastor problems. John Hagee is about to get the spotlight of public scrutiny. By the time the public has had its fill of McCain-Hagee, people will be so sick of "pastor issues" that neither Hagee or Wright will matter anymore.


    4. We do not let "psychos" dictate who we elect to serve as our president.


    5. McCain is Bush III. He is More Of The Same. In fact, he's More Of The Same Old Same Old. Americans.. including many republicans.. want a change of course [As of April 3, 2008, *81% of the American population thinks America is headed in the wrong direction*]. John McCain does not represent change; he represents More Of The Same. Barack Obama represents change. Barack Obama will inspire the entire nation.


    Besides,.. AbsoluteHillaryFanatic,,

    You seem to trust Hillary very much. So if she supports Barack Obama and

    tells you that you should support him, won't you trust her and do as she says? :whistling:

    Sure you will.

    So stop worrying, muh-man,..

    Hillary will tell you what to do. :console:

    When Hillary hands you your O-Train ticket, I'll show you to your seat and from

    then on out, you can sit back and enjoy the ride.. all the way to the White House! B)


    I've got a window seat for you so you can enjoy the scenery.

    And btw.. (pander alert).. the beer's free; all you can drink! :thumbsup:


    Ah you didnt resond to any of what I said. Im not surprized.

  4. I think the subconscious message your inner

    wisdom is trying to communicate to you is:

    "You think Barack Obama's a dick,.. but he's not". B)

    Then again,.. maybe you're just a guy with

    a phallic obsession who sees trains as dildos. huh.gif


    How in the world Hemit can you be so obsessed with this nobody? I remember 1968 and RFK in my opinion would have been president if not for that terrible day in San Fran. Nixon, of course wins in a landslide against HHH (the late Hubert Humphry) and who could have ever thought that would happen? Nixon, defeated 8 yrs earlier in a tight election, came back to win. this has nothing to do with the mistakes he made in office. Where am I going with this? Hillary in my opiinion is the best choice. Maybe we need 4 more yrs of Republican rule to teach you that. If McCain wins, and he very may will, you will regret not having a candidate like Hillary that would beat him easily. Obama had better have body guards around him as we are due for another psycho to try and get someone in high office, like with Reagan and the Pope. You had better hope that no more skeletons come out of Obamas' closet between now and the June. Rev Wright may not be done with him yet.


  5. Yup. She's not finished yet,.. but she is done.

    She'll do one more lap around the track. You know, to wave to her supporters and

    to.. let's be honest about it.. collect donations for her Campaign Debt Relief Fund.

    But her run at the party nomination is,.. for all intents and purposes,.. over.

    Yeah,.. wasn't it though! :lol:



    D'oh! slapface.gif

    [i take it you were being facetious, bigstick. ;) ]

    AbsoluteHillaryFanatic, I think its real nice that you

    donated to the Hillary Campaign Debt Relief Fund.

    I'm sure it'll help ease the sting of her defeat.

    ..a little bit.

    And hey muh-man,.. take heart; Hillary might have

    another crack at the democratic nomination.. in 2016. ;)

    And dude,.. I'm still saving you a seat on the O-Train. :cheer:

    It'll be here for you whenever you're ready to get on board. B)


    *click* :beer:

    PS: congrats on making it past 100 posts since the last time you were banned.

    I figure your next banishment oughta be coming along anytime now, eh? :whistling:




    Yes Hermit, actually Im quite shocked it hasnt happned yet. Ill be going off the rails on the crazy train before I ride the O train. And if Im fried, in those famous words of Arnold Swarzenegger, "Ill Be Bock!!!"

  6. I'm not going to read through all of these posts....


    Parallels ... ??

    So... Here's my take on Hillary and Eight Belles placing second overall, and then going down in the Kentucky Derby:

    Hillary Clinton last week put her money on Eight Belles to win the race:

    "I hope that everybody will go to the derby on Saturday and place just a little money on the filly for me," Sen. Clinton told supporters in Jeffersonville, Ind., ABC News reports. "I won't be able to be there this year - my daughter is going to be there and so she has strict instructions to bet on Eight Belles."

    Eight Belles actually ended up finishing second in the race, just behind Big Brown. But in a shocking and tragic development, just as Eight Belles crossed the finish line, jockey Gabriel Saez "heard the worst sound possible - a pop."

    Saez said the filly did not take a bad step, but he heard the pop and tried to pull her up.

    "I tried to get her to stop," he said. "I tried to get her to stop, but she wouldn't stop."

    Dr. Larry Bramlege the on-call veterinarian from the American Association of Equine Practitioners said on NBC that the the horse broke both front ankles. She was euthanized on the track.


    About the breeding of these "race" horses:

    In case most of you aren't aware all of the horses in this Kentucky Derby field had the DNA of Northern Dancer. Eight Belles was one of the more inbred Native Dancer horses in the field having several grandparents of this lineage. While the Northern Dancer DNA has been good for winning races, it also carries a very high risk of leg and foot injuries. Barbaro being another Native Dancer horse that had to be destroyed last year after injuring his leg in the Preakness. The problem with horse racing is that big money has upped the average sales prices of horses at Keeneland to over $100,000 each thus putting more pressures on buyers wanting a more guaranteed return on their investment and thus reducing the studs being used for breeding to a select few that produce more winners. So there is a serious genetic problem in these horses being created by too small a gene pool from inbreeding and only breeding to a few big time studs, which in most cases are horses already carrying a gene for leg problems.

    Well this does belong in the horse racing thread that yours truly created. But do you remember that tragic Breeders Cup day long ago when a philly named Go for Wand broke down? they named a grade 1 stakes race after this horse. I dont think this horse was out of Northern Dancer. Many have come from Norther Dancer. Breeding certainly has something to do with it but I wouldnt put that much stock in your theory based on the rarity of occurance. As for Hillary, it isnt over til its over in this type of scenario. The Dems are split. And lets face one very important fact: Hillary has won the BIG STATES. New York, California, Ohio, and yes, Florida too-and going away. If Florida doesnt count in the end we have ANOTHER botched election process. Hear that Hermit?? Do you?? Your guy has won the states like I said before where there are more damn Grizzly Bears than fucking humans. Im sure he will win Montana. The half a dozen fucking woodchucks who live there will probably pick eeny meeny miny moe when they walk into the fucking ballot booth that is probably as old as the fucking hills they live in.

  7. Coming to the realization that I am not afraid to die. I'm dealing with a medical issue that will probably resolve itself. If not, I decided tonight, maybe it's my time. Blood test came back alright. Urine sample is fine. 9 more days of medication and we will see.

    What is wrong dud? And what about Drunk. Hate to see anyone facing death. Have seen to many of my friends die young.

  8. "The son of Boundary will train at Churchill Downs for his Preakness preparations and is expected to arrive at Pimlico Wednesday, May 14 in Stall 40 of the stakes barn."

    Can't wait to get a glimpse of this magnificent colt. It would be nice to see him win the TC.

    The death of Eight Belles is surely a tragic event that every one involved in racing (fans, jockeys, handlers, trainers or owners) is heartbroken about. PETA just adds insult to injury with their fallacious claims about animal abuse. This was freak accident that no one could have prevented or predicted.

    The "bridge jumpers" will be out in force. Ecpect to get $2.10 return on every two dollars you wager on Big Brown. Not worth the risk of hammering him. You wont make shit and you run the risk of getting burned big time if there is an accident. I hope nothing goes wrong. If all is ok, he wins this race for fun.

  9. dude..

    wake up and.. :coffee: ..smell the coffee.

    it's over.

    for real.

    Hillary cancelled all her tv and media appearances for today. If she thought she was still in the race, she'd be all over tv today proclaiming her chances to win the nomination. But instead she chose to lay low for the day. Thats not the sign of a candidate hot in pursuit of a nomination, bud. Sure, she'll play out a couple-few more primaries,.. but not because she thinks she can win the nomination.

    She's (all but) done, friend.

    fwiw.. I think she gave a (mostly) very gracious speech last night. It made me very

    proud of her. She signaled a change in tone; she's done trying to tear Barack down.

    Good goin' Hillary! :beer:

    Barack Obama is the presumptive democratic nominee! :banana:

    Punch your ticket and board the O-train, muh-man. :thumbsup:

    [Hillary's gonna tell you to support Obama anyway,

    so you might as well start getting used to the idea. B) ]

    :cheer:Bring on the main event!!:cheer:



    McCain old.gif


    Ill vote for Yo Mamma before I vote for Obama.

  10. Having lost N. Carolina massively and despite Billy hanging around there and tonnes of money being poured in....and having it seems narrowly escaped defeat in Indi.....Clinton is still trying to persuade the Democrats to change the bylaws of the party to allow Florida's and Michigan's delegates to sit at the convention....even though Obama didn't campaign there and his name not appearing on the Michigan ballot..No one seems to think she'll succeed. And if she does get the nomination thanks to the supers, Obama's supporters aren't likely to then come out and vote for Hillary anyway.

    Face it, she's lost.

    Ed to add:

    Besides...she may not've won Indi afterall:


    We'll see !

    CNN is reporting she has won Indiana. Why the hell should she give up now? this thing is closer than all of you are willing to admit. He CANNOT get the magic number of delegates either. Dont you get this? It will be up to the Supers. If they think she has a better chance of beating MCain than they could still chose her. There are more states left. Their voice should be heard. You are all jumping up and down like little high school cheerleaders for a guy that you should be quite leary about considering his 20 yr ties to this damn Rev Wright. Wake up and smell the coffee. There is much suspicion about the final voting area in Indiana where Obama did very well, near Chicago. They withheld their votes til they counted absentee ballots supposedly. Something smells foul there and that county shouldnt have gotten away with it.

  11. What is it man? I'm curious.

    As fas as I go, I am getting closer and closer to being done. Unfortunately, most of you will see the DRUNK for last time in the upcoming months.

    What do you mean? Are you ill?

  12. anyone seen icantquityouoverthehillsandouttolunchAbsoluteHillaryFanatic? :whistling:

    Absolute.. don't dispair, bud. :console:

    ..there's room for you on the O-train, muh-man. :)

    Climb aboard! :thumbsup:

    You too, Rock.

    And you, ScottyZ.

    And you, wanna be!

    And StringB.. you too!

    Here I be dude! Switching back and forth from Hillary's speech to the Great Escape. She has Indiana in the bag. 14 percent of the vote left to come in but over 40, 000 vote lead. Nothing has changed. It aint over til the fat lady sings.

    ALL ABOARRRD!! :cheer:




  13. We'd be in no worse trouble than we are now after 8 years of 'W'. He's a liar who never had any business being in the race either, yet here we are.

    So, who knows...

    But here is a chance to change. And now we are going to perhaps wind up with worse.

    NOBAMA "08

  14. NORTH CAROLINA and INDIANA..ers Please get out and vote!!!!

    Obama :cheer::thanku:

    You sound like a cheerleader jumpiing up and down for a class c high school team. And if your Obama wins, then what? He cant even remember the name of the person he was talking to the night before. this country is in big trouble if he wins. He is the reason why right wing Republicans hate the leftists. He is a loose cannon, a liar, and has no business being in the race.

    NOBAMA "08

  15. Wow, what a fab idea. Screw horse racing! Lets line up with our fancy hats and bet on the great Rat race!

    Really though, I used to love watching the races, but lately I've become pissed off the way humans treat some animals. IMHO those greyhound races should be banned. The poor guys have to be adopted out or killed after they lose their $$ value.

    I'm getting incredibly "soft" in my old age.


    Some are going way overboard on this. These horses have been put out to pasture after their careers are over and been very well treated. Sure there are assholes that dont treat animals the way they should. After Katrina hit New Orleans I was very upset to see the dogs and cats with no homes. I immediatly sent a donation to Noahs Ark and the Humane Society, just to give you some background on how I feel about animals. But Horse racing is not a bad thing. What happened at the Kentucky Derby on Saturday is a rare thing. It sucks. But to try and bann the sport like some would is fucking ridiculaous and will NEVER happen.

  16. Well Hermit, PB and allthekingshorses, they are reporting record turnouts at the polls in each state. Should be an interesting night. If there is a split like the polls are predicting, the battle continues. Obama is favored in N Car and Hillary has the poll lead in Ind as you all know.

  17. As I understand it, horses have evolved for running and are competitive against each other naturally - especially at a young age. Do they really need jockeys to steer or whip them in order to run a race? Jockeys are relatively light, but must put pressure and imbalance on the horses legs. If greyhounds can race uncumbered, why not horses?

    You are kidding right? Well lets bet on turtles, and frogs and mice. How are you going to stop the horses, with tranquilizer rifles?? Did you ever see a greyhound race? The dogs and slam into each other and all that matters is which one crosses the finish line first. No disqualifications for interference like in horse racing. It is not doable if you are serious about the horses.

  18. Best of luck to both of you... and I'm glad you get to enjoy such a friend.

    The age horses are raced at is much too young IMO as well. Run a horse as a two year old and they retire from racing at age 5 or so. A lot of horses (non-racing ones anyway) are just reaching their prime at that age. Most non-racing horses aren't even trained for riding until they're two... or three.

    I think a lot of injuries are due to cumulative stress/injury. I think they're pushed too far, too fast.

    I think of it like some of the Olympic athletes we have. Some of the sports have very young contestants... 16 year old, sometimes even 13-14 year old gymnasts and skaters, etc... so you know they started at much younger ages than that... and they're retired by the time they hit their twenties.

    I didn't hear yet exactly what happened, but I did see some of the footage briefly... and I don't care to watch it again.

    I understand what you're saying about PETA and I agree with some of it. They ARE extreme and I don't agree with some of their stances or their way of bringing attention to it. However, as extreme as they are, and regardless of their credibility, they do bring things to the public's attention. As a result, some folks start looking at the issues raised and sometimes things get changed. Turning lab animals loose that have never been 'free' can be really foolish and ironically dangerous for the lab animals... BUT the way lab animals are obtained, treated during their 'careers', discarded afterwards, etc. have been changed as a result.

    (But then, I tend to think that 'radical fringe groups' serve a very valuable purpose... and that is to get attention placed upon issues that otherwise aren't considered, or maybe even known. Sometimes that is what it takes. I often don't think the radical 'solutions' these groups come up with are practical or appropriate... but the change that does result may very well not come about without the radical fringe element making a lot of noise about the issue at hand.

    Even the expert trainers are baffled by this injury. The drf.com (Daily Racing Form) is the best place for info. Many have never seen anything like this. A horse break down after the wire like this. It is very strange. But the stats are this, less than 1 out of every thousand that run get injured or have to be put down. I am a frequent horse player and Ill tell you, it only seems to happen lately on these big races. Which is a black eye for the sport. But to think its like dog fighting or cock fighting is just plain ridiculous. It is the "sport of kings".

  19. We've still got 3 in the hunt for the presidency. With Obama positioned between Hillary and McCain, she seems to be the most visible with McCain somewhat in the back, out of the limelight.

    Anyone have a spoon?


    Yeah the chocolate always wins. Hey PB, 600 Taco's?? Taco Bell junky or what?

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