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Jimmy Page's Pedalboard

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Very nice post! :D

I'm more familiar with Pete Cornish's work he did for David Gilmour, but this pedal board is quite amazing.

It seems the guitar heroes of the 70's are loving the Digitech Whammy pedal. Gilmour used one on his most recent solo album and tour, and Jimmy got good use out of it during the extended solo jam in Trampled Underfoot at the reunion show. Tom Morello from Rage Against The Machine/Audioslave relies on one pretty heavily, as well.

I know a while back, Pete Cornish took down some pages and photos from his website because a lot of people were making replicas of his boards, which is a patent infringement, I believe. :blink:

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Very nice post! :D

I'm more familiar with Pete Cornish's work he did for David Gilmour, but this pedal board is quite amazing.

It seems the guitar heroes of the 70's are loving the Digitech Whammy pedal. Gilmour used one on his most recent solo album and tour, and Jimmy got good use out of it during the extended solo jam in Trampled Underfoot at the reunion show. Tom Morello from Rage Against The Machine/Audioslave relies on one pretty heavily, as well.

I know a while back, Pete Cornish took down some pages and photos from his website because a lot of people were making replicas of his boards, which is a patent infringement, I believe. :blink:

I think Gilmour has been using the Whammy since the post Waters Floyd days.

That is a sweet board. I would love to hard mount all my effects like that. I have three wah-type rocker pedals that I plan on mounting, but I ultimately wanna take the guts out of my stomp boxes and mount them ala Gilmour and, apparently, Page.

Also, did anybody else notice that the photo says the mods were done in March '08. Prolly supin it up for the jams with all those mystery singers.

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