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ABC Ltd edition prints


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Hi everyone, :D:D:D:D

First post in years, hope you are all doing ok.

Just wondered if any one had bought any of the 300 limited edition prints of Jimmy Page released by the ABC Charity some time ago?

I did, and I'm pleased to say even non LZ fans(????!!! yeah, there are some) have admired the quality and look of the print.It currently hangs over the staircase where everyone can see it.


Elric :unsure:

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Hi everyone, :D:D:D:D

First post in years, hope you are all doing ok.

Just wondered if any one had bought any of the 300 limited edition prints of Jimmy Page released by the ABC Charity some time ago?

I did, and I'm pleased to say even non LZ fans(????!!! yeah, there are some) have admired the quality and look of the print.It currently hangs over the staircase where everyone can see it.


Elric :unsure:

I was wondering if you could post a picture of this print on here?/ Just curious, as I don't know if I';ve seen the one you are talking about and would love to see it. :)



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