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Spoiled Under 30 Crowd


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And didnt microwaves come out in the 80's?..(1940's lol had to check, more popular in the 80's) You had them.. :huh:

got our first microwave around '74...

a big ole sears model that made your head swoon if you stood to close while using it... :unsure:

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Oh wow :o Lol that would be dangerous with me, I like watching microwaves closely...

My family also had a couple of those early huge ass Sears models. If I remember correctly there was a disclaimer in the instructions warning against standing directly in front of the microwave while it was in operation. I'm sure those sort of safety concerns have come a long way since then.

A friend of mine did find out the hard way that it's not at all cool to put a watermelon in a compactor (another "new" item my folks purchased around the same time as the microwaves).

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