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The Mighty Led Zep


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Greatest band ever, we all know that, been my favorite band since I was 12 and will always be. But for whatever reason havent listened to them much in the last year or so. But lately ive been on a led zep kick and its great to "rediscover" them after you dont listen to them for awhile. It just reaffirms how ridiculously good they were and that nobody can touch them.

Was listening to Ten Years Gone last nite and its like this song is so freakin good you cant even describe it. How the hell does the same band write such a ballsy raunchy rocker like Custard Pie, then on the same freakin album have a song as beautiful and melodic and moving as Ten Years Gone. Only the mighty led zep. The diversity, the majesty, the beauty, the power, they never cease to amaze. THey're like a great movie, every time you watch it you find something new that you missed. Thats how i feel with zep (especially after a long layoff), no matter how many times we've listened to the songs and the albums, you always find something new and different in them that just floors you.

all hail the hammer of the gods!

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I've never gone very long without them, but I have "re-discovered" them a few times. One revelation hit me while I was listening to Livin Lovin Maid and I thought "And these are the same guys that did Stairway to Heaven?"

Only Zeppelin :D

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Their ability to shift their musical focus is second to none. PG and IV are prime examples of a band that knows what they want to do. They knew how good they were. We know it too. Led Zeppelin was a cut above the rest and the main reason was because no matter the genre...they did it better than most or nearly ALL.

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