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Led Zeppelin Books


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I was just perusing Amazon.com and came across what seems to be like six new(?) books about the "mighty Led Zeppelin". The last LZ book I ordered from Amazon was "When Giants Walked the Earth" (right around the time it came out). Good book. I liked it. Have read it twice since I first got it. I like almost every book that I have read about Zeppelin. In my opinion, what is there not to like when reading about Led Zeppelin.

Anyway, I went to Amazon.com and searched Led Zeppelin under Books and six new books popped up that I had not seen before. The number before each book is the number that it is listed on Amazon.

2. "Good Times, Bad Times: A Visual Biography of the Ultimate Band" by Jerry Prochnicky, Ralph Hulett...

3. "Led Zeppelin: Shadows Taller Than Our Souls" by Charles Cross

13. "Led Zeppelin: An Illustrated Biography" by Gareth Thomas

25. "Led Zeppelin: Live Dreams" by Laurence Ratner

27. "Led Zeppelin: Legendary Rock Band (Rebels of Rock)" by Michael A. Schuman

33. "Led Zeppelin and Philosophy (Popular Culture and Philosophy)" by Scott Calef

My question is: Has anyone seen, read or bought any of these aforementioned books? As with most things Led Zeppelin or LZ related I will probably buy these books sometime in the near future. Right now I am just curious as to read any feedback about any and or all of these books. Positive or Negative. Anything?

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