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I read this phrase in a music magazine once, possibly RS, and it said something like: "In the '70's, Zeppelin ruled high school parking lots".

Alas, I was entering elementary school circa 1970. :-(

At age 8, my favorite band was Sweet. By 10, it was Kiss, thru and thru. About age 12, my neighbor who was 4 years older than me, introduced me to Skynyrd, Yes, Uriah Heep. And somewhere along the line - Led Zeppelin.

I play guitar myself, and of course Jimmy is a hero / MVP. You don't put a live band together without a rhythm guitarist if you're a slouch. (And from a guitarist standpoint, I will compliment Jimmy on that his best quality is recovering from mistakes).

Favorite LZ song:

"All My Love"

("When the Levee Breaks" would be my other choice)

Least Favorite LZ Song:

"D'Yer Maker" (sorry if I misspelled)

Most Overlooked LZ Song:

"I'm Gonna Crawl"

Yep ... I'm a big ITTOD fan. But, as you all know, Physical Graffiti doesn't exactly suck ;-)

No Quarter in all that you do ...

... Ron

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